Loving my Rejected Luna chapter 29

Chapter 29
Kiara stared at Zane with wide eyes then scoffed and yanked her hand out of his
“Yeah whatever. Go order the food already, I’m hungry” Zane frowned as he
stared at her. He had just professed his love to her and she totally ignored it?
That honestly felt like a slap in the face.
When Kiara heard the door close after Zane left, she let out the breath she had
been holding.

When Zane told her he still loved her, her heart skipped a beat. She knew deep
down that she still loved him no matter how hard she tried to deny it, no matter
how hard she tried to cover up her love for him with hate and blame him for the
way her life turned out, she still loved him.
He was the first man she ever loved, the first man she had ever laid with and the
first man that made her feel loved. She remembered how both of them couldn’t
go a day without seeing each other and always find a way to meet even if the
other person was super busy.
That period he went to Paris was embedded in her mind. She had called him
wailing hopelessly and begging him to come back because Samantha was being
a pain in the butt and her parents had taken Samantha’s side. Heather hadn’t
been feeling fine at that time so Zane was the only one she thought to call.
After she called him, she had been surprised when he arrived at the pack the
next day even though his meeting hadn’t ended yet.
“I couldn’t stay there knowing the love of my life was hurting here” Those were
the exact words he had said to her that day yet, he had been the one who turned
his back on her without even giving her a second chance.
Why was she still in love with him after all these years?
She sighed then stood up from the bed and walked towards her luggage before
picking out a nightgown she had bought from the stores that day. The staff at the
store were very adamant on her taking this particular night gown and since it was
free and was her style, of course she took it.
She shook off all thoughts of Zane as she walked into the bathroom. She stood
under the shower and immediately felt better when the water ran down her body.

By the time she came out and got dressed, she felt truly refreshed and her mind
seemed to be more open. In fact, she felt free all of a sudden after coming to
terms with her current situation.
She glanced at herself in the mirror then sighed before walking out of the room.
She walked into the living room and found Zane seated on the couch with his legs
crossed as he scrolled through his phone but as soon as he noticed her
presence, he turned towards her and a smile appeared on his face.
Kiara stared at Zane with wide eyes then scoffed and yanked her hand out of his
“Yeah whatever. Go order the food already, I’m hungry” Zane frowned as he
stared at her. He had just professed his love to her and she totally ignored it?
That honestly felt like a slap in the face.
When Kiara heard the door close after Zane left, she let out the breath she had
been holding.
When Zane told her he still loved her, her heart skipped a beat. She knew deep
down that she still loved him no matter how hard she tried to deny it, no matter
how hard she tried to cover up her love for him with hate and blame him for the
way her life turned out, she still loved him.
He was the first man she ever loved, the first man she had ever laid with and the
first man that made her feel loved. She remembered how both of them
couldn’t go a day without seeing each other and always find a way to meet even
if the other person was super busy.
That period he went to Paris was embedded in her mind. She had called him
wailing hopelessly and begging him to come back because Samantha was being

a pain in the butt and her parents had taken Samantha’s side. Heather hadn’t
been feeling fine at that time so Zane was the only one she thought to call.
After she called him, she had been surprised when he arrived at the pack the
next day even though his meeting hadn’t ended yet.
“I couldn’t stay there knowing the love of my life was hurting here” Those were
the exact words he had said to her that day yet, he had been the one who turned
his back on her without even giving her a second chance.
Why was she still in love with him after all these years?
She sighed then stood up from the bed and walked towards her luggage before
picking out a nightgown she had bought from the stores that day. The staff at the
store were very adamant on her taking this particular night gown and since it was
free and was her style, of course she took it.
She shook off all thoughts of Zane as she walked into the bathroom. She stood
under the shower and immediately felt better when the water ran down her body.
By the time she came out and got dressed, she felt truly refreshed and her mind
seemed to be more open. In fact, she felt free all of a sudden after coming to
terms with her current situation.
She glanced at herself in the mirror then sighed before walking out of the room.
She walked into the living room and found Zane seated on the couch with his legs
crossed as he scrolled through his phone but as soon as he noticed her
presence, he turned towards her and a smile appeared on his face.
As his eyes trailed down her body, even though she was fully clothed, she
suddenly felt naked.

“I see you really did pick out the gown I wanted you to specifically get because I
knew it would look good on you and I was right” Her eyes widened.
“You… were you the one that made almost all the stores at the mall give us all
those things for free?” He nodded with a smile.
“I knew if I had given you or Heather the money, you wouldn’t have taken it so I
did the most reasonable thing I could think of and paid the stores huge amount of
money so you could get whatever you wanted” Her heart dropped. So Levi had
taken credit for what Zane did? He had wasted so much money on her and
Heather and now, he was still wasting money on her. Why? Just so he could
sleep with her?
“Why are you doing all this? If you’re doing all this just because you want to get
me to sleep with you then I’m sorry but that’s not going to happen” Zane
furrowed his eyebrows then sighed before getting up.
“When I told you I missed you, did you think I was just joking? I just don’t want to
sleep with you, although that would be a good bonus but, I really just want us to
go back to the way we were for these seven days. I know you won’t believe me
but I promise, after these seven days, I won’t bother you again after this”
She stared at him for a while but before she could say anything, the elevator bell
She stared at him for a while then sighed before walking towards the elevator
doors, leaving Zane devastated.
A man dressed in a fancy suit with some staff behind him, came with trays of
food in their hand. They bowed their heads at Zane before carrying the food
straight to the dining table.

As soon as they were gone, Zane turned to Kiara then smiled before walking
closer. He reached out for her hand and was Surprised that she gave him her
hand willingly.
“I’m not going to force you into doing anything so if you wish to still hate me
during this Vacation then I’m okay with that. I will still spend time with you and
spoil you just in case I never see you again” She frowned. Why was he saying it
like that?
“Go eat before it gets cold” He murmured with a smile then leaned down and
placed a kiss on her cheek before walking away but he immediately paused
when she spoke;
“So… so if I agree, we would only get to go back to the way we were for seven
days, right?” Zane immediately turned to her and nodded.
“Yes” He took slow steps towards her then stared down at her eagerly as soon
as he was close enough.
“No……… No strings attached?” Her heart was thumping in her chest and her
wolf was screaming at her, trying to tell her she was making a bad choice
because no matter how much they tried to convince themselves, there were
going to be strings attached.
“No strings” Zane murmured then his eyes trailed down to her lips. This was
wrong, this was going to cost her a whole lot but if it meant she could go back to
that time when she was at her happiest… then why not?
Without thinking, she stood on her toes and pressed her lips on his…
Kiara stared at Zane with wide eyes then scoffed and yanked her hand out of his

“Yeah whatever. Go order the food already, I’m hungry” Zane frowned as he
stared at her. He had just professed his love to her and she totally ignored it?
That honestly felt like a slap in the face.
When Kiara heard the door close after Zane left, she let out the breath she had
been holding.
When Zane told her he still loved her, her heart skipped a beat. She knew deep
down that she still loved him no matter how hard she tried to deny it, no matter
how hard she tried to cover up her love for him with hate and blame him for the
way her life turned out, she still loved him.
He was the first man she ever loved, the first man she had ever laid with and the
first man that made her feel loved. She remembered how both of them couldn’t
go a day without seeing each other and always find a way to meet even if the
other person was super busy.
That period he went to Paris was embedded in her mind. She had called him
wailing hopelessly and begging him to come back because Samantha was being
a pain in the butt and her parents had taken Samantha’s side. Heather hadn’t
been feeling fine at that time so Zane was the only one she thought to call.
After she called him, she had been surprised when he arrived at the pack the
next day even though his meeting hadn’t ended yet.
“I couldn’t stay there knowing the love of my life was hurting here” Those were
the exact words he had said to her that day yet, he had been the one who turned
his back on her without even giving her a second chance.
Why was she still in love with him after all these years?

She sighed then stood up from the bed and walked towards her luggage before
picking out a nightgown she had bought from the stores that day. The staff at the
store were very adamant on her taking this particular night gown and since it was
free and was her style, of course she took it.
She shook off all thoughts of Zane as she walked into the bathroom. She stood
under the shower and immediately felt better when the water ran down her body.
By the time she came out and got dressed, she felt truly refreshed and her mind
seemed to be more open. In fact, she felt free all of a sudden after coming to
terms with her current situation.
She glanced at herself in the mirror then sighed before walking out of the room.
She walked into the living room and found Zane seated on the couch with his legs
crossed as he scrolled through his phone but as soon as he noticed her
presence, he turned towards her and a smile appeared on his face.
As his eyes trailed down her body, even though she was fully clothed, she
suddenly felt naked.
“I see you really did pick out the gown I wanted you to specifically get because I
knew it would look good on you and I was right” Her eyes widened.
“You… were you the one that made almost all the stores at the mall give us all
those things for free?” He nodded with a smile.
“I knew if I had given you or Heather the money, you wouldn’t have taken it so I
did the most reasonable thing I could think of and paid the stores huge amount of
money so you could get whatever you wanted” Her heart dropped. So Levi had
taken credit for what Zane did? He had wasted so much money on her and
Heather and now, he was still wasting money on her. Why? Just so he could
sleep with her?

Why are you doing all this? If you’re doing all this just because you want to get
me to sleep with you then I’m sorry but that’s not going to happen” Zane
furrowed his eyebrows then sighed before getting up.
“When I told you I missed you, did you think I was just joking? I just don’t want to
sleep with you, although that would be a good bonus but, I really just want us to
go back to the way we were for these seven days. I know you won’t believe me
but I promise, after these seven days, I won’t bother you again after this”
She stared at him for a while but before she could say anything, the elevator bell
She stared at him for a while then sighed before walking towards the elevator
doors, leaving Zane devastated.
A man dressed in a fancy suit with some staff behind him, came with trays of
food in their hand. They bowed their heads at Zane before carrying the food
straight to the dining table.
As soon as they were gone, Zane turned to Kiara then smiled before walking
closer. He reached out for her hand and was Surprised that she gave him her
hand willingly.
“I’m not going to force you into doing anything so if you wish to still hate me
during this Vacation then I’m okay with that. I will still spend time with you and
spoil you just in case I never see you again” She frowned. Why was he saying it
like that?
“Go eat before it gets cold” He murmured with a smile then leaned down and
placed a kiss on her cheek before walking away but he immediately paused
when she spoke;

“So… so if I agree, we would only get to go back to the way we were for seven
days, right?” Zane immediately turned to her and nodded.
“Yes” He took slow steps towards her then stared down at her eagerly as soon
as he was close enough.
“No……… No strings attached?” Her heart was thumping in her chest and her
wolf was screaming at her, trying to tell her she was making a bad choice
because no matter how much they tried to convince themselves, there were
going to be strings attached.
“No strings” Zane murmured then his eyes trailed down to her lips. This was
wrong, this was going to cost her a whole lot but if it meant she could go back to
that time when she was at her happiest… then why not?
Without thinking, she stood on her toes and pressed her lips on his…
As his eyes trailed down her body, even though she was fully clothed, she
suddenly felt naked.
“I see you really did pick out the gown I wanted you to specifically get because I
knew it would look good on you and I was right” Her eyes widened.
“You… were you the one that made almost all the stores at the mall give us all
those things for free?” He nodded with a smile.
“I knew if I had given you or Heather the money, you wouldn’t have taken it so I
did the most reasonable thing I could think of and paid the stores huge amount of
money so you could get whatever you wanted” Her heart dropped. So Levi had
taken credit for what Zane did? He had wasted so much money on her and
Heather and now, he was still wasting money on her. Why? Just so he could
sleep with her?

“Why are you doing all this? If you’re doing all this just because you want to get
me to sleep with you then I’m sorry but that’s not going to happen” Zane
furrowed his eyebrows then sighed before getting up.
“When I told you I missed you, did you think I was just joking? I just don’t want to
sleep with you, although that would be a good bonus but, I really just want us to
go back to the way we were for these seven days. I know you won’t believe me
but I promise, after these seven days, I won’t bother you again after this”
She stared at him for a while but before she could say anything, the elevator bell
She stared at him for a while then sighed before walking towards the elevator
doors, leaving Zane devastated.
A man dressed in a fancy suit with some staff behind him, came with trays of
food in their hand. They bowed their heads at Zane before carrying the food
straight to the dining table.
As soon as they were gone, Zane turned to Kiara then smiled before walking
closer. He reached out for her hand and was Surprised that she gave him her
hand willingly.
“I’m not going to force you into doing anything so if you wish to still hate me
during this Vacation then I’m okay with that. I will still spend time with you and
spoil you just in case I never see you again” She frowned. Why was he saying it
like that?
“Go eat before it gets cold” He murmured with a smile then leaned down and
placed a kiss on her cheek before walking away but he immediately paused
when she spoke;

“So… so if I agree, we would only get to go back to the way we were for seven
days, right?” Zane immediately turned to her and nodded.
“Yes” He took slow steps towards her then stared down at her eagerly as soon
as he was close enough.
“No……… No strings attached?” Her heart was thumping in her chest and her
wolf was screaming at her, trying to tell her she was making a bad choice
because no matter how much they tried to convince themselves, there were
going to be strings attached.
“No strings” Zane murmured then his eyes trailed down to her lips. This was
wrong, this was going to cost her a whole lot but if it meant she could go back to
that time when she was at her happiest… then why not?
Without thinking, she stood on her toes and pressed her lips on his…


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