Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 3

hapter 3-MILLIE-“Have a nice evening, Miss,” the elderly cabby smiled at me through the rearview mirror.“I sure hope, sir.” I murmured, slurring each syllable.I’d like to consider myself a bit tipsy, but who was I kidding? I was borderline drunk after drinking nine glasses of wine at home. There’s an extremely unhealthy bond between alcohol […]


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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 2

Chapter 2-Damian-“Go ddam mi t, Sonja!” 1 roared, black dots danced on the back of my eyelids as my body shuddered with my release.“Oh, Damian…” Sonja moaned, her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her pu ssy choking my c ock as I thrust to the hilt, enjoying her warmth“F uck.” I groaned,


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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 1

1|Role Playing ~Millie~ ‘Baby, are you coming home?’ I fought a grin, reading Hunter’s message. ‘Sorry, I can’t make it. Still swamped with work.’ Phone clutched in my right hand, I looked outside the window as I toyed with my engagement ring. Hunter and I had been engaged for six months. We dated for two


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