Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen

Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen Chapter 20

Chapter 20  || really like Phyllis Finally, someone’s standing up to Eileen. I’ve been itching to jump into the screen and give her a piece of my mind. What’s with her arrogance and nudeness]  Why didn’t they give Kenley a mask? Do you know how many fans Kenley has overseas? So nanow minded]  Phyllis was […]


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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen Chapter 17

Chapter 17  “Are we still waiting for Hubery and Kaleb Bblythe asked at this point.  The production team said, “Hubery’s flight won’t amive until tonight, and as for the last quest, he he’s already here”  They pointed, and everyone looked over, very surprised to see Egbert, who had just come through security  “Wow, it’s Mr


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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen Chapter 15

Chapter 15  Eileen! Have you lost your marbles? Hedy shrieked, rushing over to support Sarah  In a flash, Eileen swung the stick in her hand. The next hit landed squarely on Hody’s back.  Hedy stumbled into Sarah and both of them collapsed “Mom, she’s cozy, she’s really crazy!” Hedy howled  Eileen, how dare you hit


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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen Chapter 14

Chapter 14  Eileen flashed a smile at Linda, hands tucked in her pockets, and sauntered in without a word  Sarah was on the couch, looking angry. “You’re finally back  Eileen sat on the single seater opposite Sarah, nonchalantly retorting. “Weren’t you the one who asked me to come back?”  Sarah stood up, snapping. “What’s with


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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen Chapter 13

Chapter 13  After a while, one after another, actresses went in to audition.  Suddenly, someone took a seat next to Eileen  Eileen didn’t pay much attention, but then she heard the girl next to her say, “Hi, Eileen, I’m your fan. Can I have your autograph?”  Eileen was taken aback, immediately looking up at the


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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen Chapter 12

Chapter 12  On the retum fight, Phyllis was always badmouthing Eileen to Bblythe whenever she had the chance  “She’s bossy like a dictator”  Eblythe didn’t really buy into it. occasionally consoling Phyllis Saving fifteen euros for next time sounds pretty cool, we wont be so stressed then  “But I didn’t buy a single souvenir Our


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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen Chapter 11

Chapter 11  Once Eileen left the room, she felt a bit relieved. There were no cameras in the corridor, so she leaned against the wall, catching her breath. That’s when Egbert strolled out of the room, casually asking as he passed by. “You are afraid of ghosts?”  Eileen looked up, immediately retorting, “Me, scared of


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