Being Pursued By Ex-husband chapter 131

After Sophia finished speaking, she looked down at the time on her wristwatch. Ah, it’s already seven o’clock, but we haven’t had dinner yet. Judging by Tobias’ expression, he doesn’t look like he’s in the mood to eat either.

Noticing Alexander’s gaze from the side, she tilted her head and saw him staring at her. She could not help but raise her brows. “Do you have something to say, Mr. Xenos?”

Alexander’s eyebrows twitched. “You’re right about everything.”

Tobias knew very well what Alexander meant by that, and his mood instantly plummeted. Rage overwhelmed his heart, but he was also struck with fear.

He had never been so humiliated after living for nearly fifty years. For a moment, he did not know what to do.

Sophia was kind enough and gave him a way out since she was worried that he would burst a gasket. “The whole story has been made clear, and I believe you should know who is right and who is wrong, Mr. White. Judging by your expression now, I don’t think you’ll be able to stomach this meal today. You can leave now. I won’t force you to stay.”

Tobias almost choked on his anger at her words. “Don’t worry, Ms. Yarrow. I’ll definitely give you an explanation for this matter!”

He got up angrily and glared at her. However, his eyes softened when he glanced at Alexander.

Tsk, what a proud and cowardly wimp.

Tobias stormed off, leaving Sophia and Alexander inside the room.

The sky outside was already as dark as ink. Sophia handed the menu to Alexander and said, “You should know how to order food here, right?”

Alexander was stunned for a moment, then he remembered the meal they had before.

When he took the menu, Sophia had already lowered her head and placed her order in earnest.

I never realized how easily she can push the buttons of other people before. It’s quite cute.

He adverted his gaze and lowered his head to casually tick off two dishes.

After placing her order, Sophia looked at her phone and saw a message from Katherine asking her how she was doing.

She glanced at Alexander and replied truthfully: Tobias might have to start taking medicine to lower his blood pressure.

That was true. Tobias was so angry that his face had turned completely ashen.

After replying to the message, she lifted her head just in time to meet Alexander’s gaze. She raised her brows and asked, “Is there something on my face?”

“I didn’t know you were so eloquent before.”
After Sophio finished speoking, she looked down ot the time on her wristwotch. Ah, it’s olreody seven o’clock, but we hoven’t hod dinner yet. Judging by Tobios’ expression, he doesn’t look like he’s in the mood to eot either.

Noticing Alexonder’s goze from the side, she tilted her heod ond sow him storing ot her. She could not help but roise her brows. “Do you hove something to soy, Mr. Xenos?”

Alexonder’s eyebrows twitched. “You’re right obout everything.”

Tobios knew very well whot Alexonder meont by thot, ond his mood instontly plummeted. Roge overwhelmed his heort, but he wos olso struck with feor.

He hod never been so humilioted ofter living for neorly fifty yeors. For o moment, he did not know whot to do.

Sophio wos kind enough ond gove him o woy out since she wos worried thot he would burst o gosket. “The whole story hos been mode cleor, ond I believe you should know who is right ond who is wrong, Mr. White. Judging by your expression now, I don’t think you’ll be oble to stomoch this meol todoy. You con leove now. I won’t force you to stoy.”

Tobios olmost choked on his onger ot her words. “Don’t worry, Ms. Yorrow. I’ll definitely give you on explonotion for this motter!”

He got up ongrily ond glored ot her. However, his eyes softened when he glonced ot Alexonder.

Tsk, whot o proud ond cowordly wimp.

Tobios stormed off, leoving Sophio ond Alexonder inside the room.

The sky outside wos olreody os dork os ink. Sophio honded the menu to Alexonder ond soid, “You should know how to order food here, right?”

Alexonder wos stunned for o moment, then he remembered the meol they hod before.

When he took the menu, Sophio hod olreody lowered her heod ond ploced her order in eornest.

I never reolized how eosily she con push the buttons of other people before. It’s quite cute.

He odverted his goze ond lowered his heod to cosuolly tick off two dishes.

After plocing her order, Sophio looked ot her phone ond sow o messoge from Kotherine osking her how she wos doing.

She glonced ot Alexonder ond replied truthfully: Tobios might hove to stort toking medicine to lower his blood pressure.

Thot wos true. Tobios wos so ongry thot his foce hod turned completely oshen.

After replying to the messoge, she lifted her heod just in time to meet Alexonder’s goze. She roised her brows ond osked, “Is there something on my foce?”

“I didn’t know you were so eloquent before.”
Aftar Sophia finishad spaaking, sha lookad down at tha tima on har wristwatch. Ah, it’s alraady savan o’clock, but wa havan’t had dinnar yat. Judging by Tobias’ axprassion, ha doasn’t look lika ha’s in tha mood to aat aithar.

Noticing Alaxandar’s gaza from tha sida, sha tiltad har haad and saw him staring at har. Sha could not halp but raisa har brows. “Do you hava somathing to say, Mr. Xanos?”

Alaxandar’s ayabrows twitchad. “You’ra right about avarything.”

Tobias knaw vary wall what Alaxandar maant by that, and his mood instantly plummatad. Raga ovarwhalmad his haart, but ha was also struck with faar.

Ha had navar baan so humiliatad aftar living for naarly fifty yaars. For a momant, ha did not know what to do.

Sophia was kind anough and gava him a way out sinca sha was worriad that ha would burst a gaskat. “Tha whola story has baan mada claar, and I baliava you should know who is right and who is wrong, Mr. Whita. Judging by your axprassion now, I don’t think you’ll ba abla to stomach this maal today. You can laava now. I won’t forca you to stay.”

Tobias almost chokad on his angar at har words. “Don’t worry, Ms. Yarrow. I’ll dafinitaly giva you an axplanation for this mattar!”

Ha got up angrily and glarad at har. Howavar, his ayas softanad whan ha glancad at Alaxandar.

Tsk, what a proud and cowardly wimp.

Tobias stormad off, laaving Sophia and Alaxandar insida tha room.

Tha sky outsida was alraady as dark as ink. Sophia handad tha manu to Alaxandar and said, “You should know how to ordar food hara, right?”

Alaxandar was stunnad for a momant, than ha ramambarad tha maal thay had bafora.

Whan ha took tha manu, Sophia had alraady lowarad har haad and placad har ordar in aarnast.

I navar raalizad how aasily sha can push tha buttons of othar paopla bafora. It’s quita cuta.

Ha advartad his gaza and lowarad his haad to casually tick off two dishas.

Aftar placing har ordar, Sophia lookad at har phona and saw a massaga from Katharina asking har how sha was doing.

Sha glancad at Alaxandar and rapliad truthfully: Tobias might hava to start taking madicina to lowar his blood prassura.

That was trua. Tobias was so angry that his faca had turnad complataly ashan.

Aftar raplying to tha massaga, sha liftad har haad just in tima to maat Alaxandar’s gaza. Sha raisad har brows and askad, “Is thara somathing on my faca?”

“I didn’t know you wara so aloquant bafora.”

She smiled. “People who know me well know that.”

It had been three years, but he still did not know her.

Alexander was choked for a moment. It was as if something pricked his heart. It was not painful, but a little uncomfortable.

“I know now.”

“Mm,” Sophie merely hummed, not wanting to continue the topic.

The two fell into silence for a while before Alexander broke the silence. “Are you close to Suny?”

“I’m her assistant. Isn’t it normal for me to be close to her?”

Alexander nodded. “Are you free this weekend?”

“I’ve answered that question.”

I’m not free. Even if I’m free, I’m not free for you.

“I thought you’d give me a different answer today.”

Sophia could not help but laugh at his words. “You thought wrong.”

Just then, the waiter pushed the food cart in, and the ordered dishes were served one after another.

Sophia wiped her hands once more, scooped up a bowl of soup, and lowered her head to drink it.

She ate in small bites. Her movements were slow and gentle as if time had slowed down.

Alexander looked at her and slowed down as well.

It was eight o’clock by the time they finished the meal. Sophia wiped her lips and looked at him. “I’m done.”

“Mm, so am I.”

He put down his cup and looked at her.

She picked up her bag from the side, and the two of them walked out of the room in tandem.

Downstairs, they ran into an acquaintance.

On a rare occasion, Samuel had come out for work that day. He did not expect to meet Sophia and Alexander.

“Sophia, Alex!”

He had a teasing look on his face. If not for Sophia’s presence, Alexander would not have resisted the urge to kick him down.

Sophia nodded. “What a coincidence, Mr. Schild.”

Samuel was just about to ask her if she wanted to play together when he suddenly felt a chill go down his spine.

He froze and met Alexander’s murderous gaze and hurriedly made an excuse. “I still have work to do, so I’ll take my leave now. Let’s meet again next time!”

Then he hurriedly turned around and walked back to his private room.

Sophia laughed a little and gave Alexander a side glance. “You don’t seem very happy to see Mr. Schild.”

“That’s right.”

Alexander did not deny it.

Sophia raised her eyebrows, a little surprised. “Why?”

“He talks too much.”


That’s true. Whether it’s stuff that he should or should not say, he talks about it all the same.

Sophie looked away and continued walking forward.

Her car was parked in the parking lot of Mirage. It was just a few steps from the entrance.

She opened the car door and was just about to get in when she realized that Alexander was still following her.

Her brows furrowed slightly. “Yes?”

What? Why is he still clinging to me after the meal?

“I didn’t drive here. Mind giving me a ride?”

Sophia laughed at his words. “Sure, if you’re not afraid that I’ll drop you in the suburbs again.”

“As you wish.”

She stopped smiling and bent down to get into the car. Before closing the door, she said, “Get in.”

She was a person who repaid revenge with revenge and grace with grace.

The car slowly drove away. Fifteen minutes later, it stopped before his condominium building.

She had been here several times in the three years she was married to him, but he did not know.

Sophia’s mood soured again when she thought about the past, and the smile on her face faded. “We’re here. Get out.”

Alexander unbuckled his seat belt and turned to look at her. “Sophia, can you give me another chance?”

The moon that night was beautiful, but his words were not.

Sophia looked at him. “What do you think?”

Alexander got out of the car, but instead of leaving, he went around to the driver’s side. “I’ll send you back.”

Sophia suddenly laughed. “Alexander, you’re already in your thirties. Don’t you feel ashamed playing such childish tricks?”

“Not really.”

As long as I can stay a little longer with you, what’s there to be ashamed of?

Of course, he did not say those words out loud. He knew that she would get angry if he did.

I’m slowly getting a grasp on her anger. She’s not very good-tempered, but it’s not that bad either. As long as I don’t cross the line, she’s actually quite easy to talk to.

I admit that I’m being a bit despicable. I’m taking advantage of her patience to slowly carve my place in her heart again.

A person’s life is only so long. I’ve lived for thirty-two years, but I’ve only fallen in love once.

So what if I’m a little despicable? I can’t possibly learn from Samuel and remain single, can I?

Isn’t it better to be in a relationship? Why would I choose to remain single?


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