When Love Turns into Hatred by Y.Flash Chapter 70

Chapter 70 If you dare to touch me, I will die (1)
Judson was taken aback and heard her continue to ask, “When did he come to the Roawards Group? Does he have any connection with the previous Autao Finance and Trend Capital?”
Seeing Judson in a daze, Rose chuckled, “You simply punished him and kicked him out of the door… Of course, I am also satisfied with such an arrangement.”
“He used to work at Autao Finance…” Judson’s voice trailed off as he mentioned Rose’s parents, his frustration evident. “I mentioned that executive, that’s why he had photos of your parents.”
“He didn’t even pass the probation period!” Rose’s tone became intense. “When he left, there was still a year before my parents had an accident. Where did he get the photos? Why do you believe whatever he says?”
Yeah, it’s true. It wasn’t his parents who died, nor was it his home that perished.
He could give her such an account, she should be content, I really don’t know what else she is still concerned about…
“So,” Judson spoke after a moment of silence, “you suspect someone deliberately gave him the photo, deliberately sold it to the Finance Department of Flourish Media, and they knew you might see it?”
He stared into her eyes, wanting to see through those eyes and understand her inner thoughts. “Do you know who it is?”
Rose knew that Judson was not at all foolish.
In just a few short sentences, he had already dissected her thoughts
But… he just refused to delve any further.
Mingming, as long as he wanted…
Forget it.
Rose suddenly felt relieved again. The separation had already happened, what else did she want?
“I didn’t know,” she smiled at Judson, just like she used to.
Because, there was no evidence.
Judson didn’t want to check, and with her current abilities, she couldn’t shake the other party either.
But Rose didn’t expect that she was just putting on a smile and leaving in a hurry, a smile that was so fake and insincere.
However, it brought about Judson’s sudden… plundering.
He kissed her.
Unreasonable and unexpected.
Rose stood there for several seconds, stunned by the unexpected turn
of events.
He kissed her eagerly and passionately, as if he wanted to devour her.
Until his hand grabbed her leg, wanting to move upwards, she suddenly fought back…
“Um…” Judson frowned.
Rose bit him.
“Stop!” she pushed him away, both shocked and angry.
The driver did not respond, so Rose reached out to open the car door, regardless of the fact that the car was still moving at high speed.
Judson lunged forward and grabbed her hand, pulling and struggling with her, “What are you doing?”
Are you giving up on life?
Rose couldn’t resist him and was instead dragged over by him, embraced tightly in his arms, unable to move.
“Keenan, separate…” Judson ordered h oar sely.
The silver-gray partition slowly rose between the front and back seats of the car…
Danger escalated in the confined space.
“Judson,” Rose bit her lip, her eyes welling up with tears, “if you dare touch me, I’ll find a car and crash it!”
In Judson’s eyes, there seemed to be a pitch-black abyss, as he stared fixedly at Rose, his hand gripping her arm, frozen in place.
The car parked under the Flourish Media building, and Judson finally let go.
He watched as Rose, in a panic, got off the car and hurriedly walked away, as if escaping from a flood or a fierce beast.
“Keenan,” the partition lowered, Judson ordered, “find out where that photo came from.”
Keenan dared not speak much, only dared to respond.
The soundproofing effect of the partition was good, but at that moment he could clearly see Mr. Roach’s extremely bad complexion in the rearview mirror.
So unsatisfied!
Chapter 70 If you dare to touch me, I will die (2)
Isidro was stu pid, but he was carefree. The advantage of being slow is that he didn’t worry at all about knowing too much and being silenced!
Someone called out to Rose from behind.
Rose tidied up her facial expression before turning around.
After Tommie was transferred back to the entertainment department, they became colleagues in the same team again.
Today I went to interview Maverick, and the department assigned her an assistant, Tommie, who volunteered for the role.
His relationship with Rose was usually good, and he rarely publicly undermined her, so Rose seemed to have no reason to refuse…
“Rose, when did we go over to Maverick’s place?” Tommie walked up to Rose and waited for the elevator with her.
He glanced discreetly at the building outside.
I couldn’t see the car anymore.
It wasn’t Darrin’s car.
Unfortunately, in order to confirm that it was Rose getting off the car, he didn’t have time to write down the license plate number.
“Go upstairs and take a break, then we’ll leave,” Rose said, looking at the transparent elevator door, seemingly unaware of Tommie’s subtle
Rose stepped into Maverick’s old house for the second time and was warmly welcomed.
Mr. Brown asked about her well-being with concern, particularly inquiring if she had been mistreated. He mostly ignored Tommie, who was standing nearby.
But Tommie was still so nervous that his hands were trembling slightly.
He was both excited and nervous to get this opportunity. He didn’t sleep well all night last night and had a haphazard breakfast.
The physical result was that the digestive system had problems.
Throughout the entire interview, he made four or five trips to the bathroom. When he left Maverick’s house, he looked absolutely pale.
“I held you back, Rose,” he said, his face filled with guilt.
Rose smiled gently and said, “It’s okay, I fainted during a previous interview.”
Lucy’s personal reason for giving it to her was this.
Everyone was afraid of another accident happening and no one could bear the responsibility.
Rose used to write very quickly.
The next morning, she sent the overnight draft results to Maverick.
The two parties communicated about some details and the department
cooperated actively. Soon, the final draft was determined.
Next, we waited for the magazine to be published and for it to be available on digital platforms.
Maverick managed to hit the deadline for this project milestone. Just in time before the final publication, the department rearranged the layout, and it quickly went into print.
The matter came to an end, and Lucy kindly gave Rose two days off.
However, Rose had just fallen asleep after returning home when she was awakened by Lakisha’s phone call.
“Don’t sleep, something big is about to happen!” Lakisha’s first words instantly woke her up.
“I sent you something, and after you read it, it will self-destruct. Remember!”
Lakisha had always been a bit loud and boisterous, and Rose didn’t pay much attention to it at first. However, after reading it, her face had turned to the lowest it had ever been in history.
She called Lakisha back and said, “Lakisha, you knew where the printing factory was, right?”
Lakisha hesitated for only a second before saying, “I’ll send it to you right away! But Rose, whether you succeed or not in this matter, don’t betray me!”
“You became the supervisor because of me!” Rose said harshly.
She quickly changed her clothes, hurried downstairs, ran out of the residential area, and saw a taxi coming on the opposite road.
Rose waved her hand and ran towards the opposite side.
The sound of a car braking suddenly echoed in my ears.

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