When Love Turns into Hatred by Y.Flash 72

Chapter 72 It was widely known that they had no intimate relationship
Rose was stunned by his question.
She carefully speculated Judson’s meaning before tentatively opening her mouth, “How about… I give you my entire month’s salary next month?”
The conscience of heaven and earth, she was serious this time!
Because besides her salary, she didn’t have any valuable assets to pay with temporarily.
But who could tell her why Judson’s face had changed again?
“Grandfather’s birthday has been postponed to the week after next,” hè said with a serious face. “The deadline I gave last time is still valid.”
Deadline, the ten-day deadline he mentioned last time…
Rose knew what Judson meant, but she couldn’t answer this question.
“WeChat me back,” he said, throwing his phone directly at me this time. “And give me your phone number,” he added, pulling it out from the blacklist.
Rose did not move.
She remained silent for a while before finally speaking, “I will come for Grandpa’s birthday.”
“Let the rest of it remain as it was.”
From the moment she left Imperial Garden, she had already severed ties with the past.
18.40 Movers
“Rose” Judson growled through his throat, “Grandpa and Grandma don’t know about this yet. I told you, don’t be so immature and make a scene for everyone to know…”
“Everyone knows?” Rose asked in response, “Who are the people you are referring to?”
She laughed, “Imperial Garden, the Roach family, the Roawards Group headquarters… who else, can you count them for me?”
He used to completely deny her, even if she accidentally encountered someone from the Roawards Group in his office, he would only explain lightly, “They are family friends.”
What is considered as a close friend… This scope is too broad.
In short, his avoidant attitude at least made it clear that there was no intimate relationship between them.
Who could have imagined that she had been by his side since she was ten years old?
Judson fell silent for a moment.
Rose gave him a casual smile, got off the car, and went home by herself…
The previous issue of Maverick magazine sold quite well
Flourish Media had already done sufficient promotion.
What a decade it was, with a golden mouth opening at the end, with sincerity and determination breaking through even the hardest obstacles, and with something truly unique that will be hard to find in the future… Maverick even gave a closed-mouth Zen persona to
Rose’s article was written interestingly, appealing to both the refined
There was an inexplicable wave of collecting that swept through the
The second issue had not been released yet, but it had already received over ten thousand pre-orders. On the day of its release, it sold out within seconds
Enjoyed the benefits of Maverick
People in the department cannot help but feel envious
now there are clearly more people who shut up. Rose went to the finance department once and was almost begged back by Lucy.
Everyone knew that she was not an easy person to deal with.
Those who had a slightly clearer mind understood to keep their distance from her
However, at the moment the magazine was delivered to Flourish Media, Lucy exploded once again.
“What’s going on? Who changed the content of the manuscript!” she demanded as she stormed into the printing department. “What did I give you? Check your emails!”
As soon as the situation started to escalate, it quickly became uncontrollable.
The boss of the printing factory was not someone who could handle things. With a little bit of coercion and temptation, he sold Rose out.
Ab bie also came upon hearing the news.
“Rose, you have such audacity! How dare you go to the printing house to change the manuscript without permission! Who gave you the right!”
Rose remained calm and composed, “Because the printing department made a mistake and sent the wrong manuscript to the printing factory, it was not the article I wrote at all. The illustrations and everything else were incorrect. It was an urgent situation, so I had to take action without seeking permission first.”
Chapter 72 It was widely known that they had no intimate relationship
“Act first, report later?” Ab bie almost laughed, “Your reasons are truly ridiculous!”
Rose stared at Ab bie, “Ab bie, this is our entertainment club’s matter, why are you so enthusiastic?”
“Li, as a higher-ranking supervisor, can’t hold you accountable for fundamental issues?” Lucy said with a serious face. “Rose, you really have big ideas! You quietly replaced our exclusive big news!”
“False news, even falsely using my name, has been replaced,” Rose’s attitude has never been so firm before. “Have you ever considered the consequences of spreading rumors about Mr. Brown?”
Darrin also arrived early and stood up after listening for a few
“What on earth happened?”
“Editor-in-chief, we obtained an exclusive news piece on Maverick, and we had planned to publish it in this issue of the magazine, However, Rose went to the printing factory without authorization and secretly replaced the manuscript!”
Lucy complained, “She did such a thing without informing her superiors and without proper authority, causing us significant losses!”
“What exclusive news?” Darrin frowned, he hadn’t heard about it.
“It was about Mrs. Maverick! It was also the truth that Maverick never accepted interviews!”
Lucy said, looking at Rose with a sneer, “No wonder you were able to get his interview qualification, you must have discovered his secret
Chapter 72 It was widely known that they had no intimate relations.
40 Vouchers
and used it to blackmail him, right?”
Rose took a deep breath.
“I didn’t have.”
No, she had.
The first time she went, in order to avoid Judson, she mistakenly entered deep into the backyard of Maverick’s mansion, where she encountered a woman…
“Editor-in-chief, someone witnessed Maverick locking up his wife with iron chains in the backyard! They even took photos!”
Lucy’s voice was as loud as thunder.
“We followed the clues and discovered that Maverick’s wife had suffered from a men tal illness ten years ago. In order to protect his reputation, Maverick locked her away. He refused any interviews to prevent the exposure of his despicable actions!”
“Finally… after much effort, the manuscript was completed and about to go to print, but Rose intercepted it and replaced it with her own written draft!”
Lucy had no chance anymore…
Claire’s actions served as a reminder to her that she had already upset Darrin and she probably wouldn’t stay for long in the future.
Apart from being deeply bonded with Ab bie, acting as her vanguard and taking action against Rose, she had no other choice.
Having pleased Ab bie and having exposed Maverick’s deceit, she was able to smoothly transfer to Flourish Media video, at least breaking free from the direct superior-subordinate relationship with Darrin.
Chapter 72 it was widely known that they had intan deng
“According to the supervisor, did the supervisor write that article?* Rose asked. “Then why did I see my name signed on the manuscript at the printing factory? In the previous article, the supervisor was eager to be the first author!”
She was rarely aggressive,
How malicious, how sinister!
She wrote such an article and paired it with such illustrations using her pen name.
She ruined Maverick’s reputation with her help and also cut off her own path from then on.
In response to Rose’s probing, Lucy evaded the question and simply pointed at Rose. “You just need to tell me, is Maverick’s wife men tally ill? Is she being chained by Maverick in the backyard, living a life worse than that of pigs and dogs?”
Rose raised her head and said, “No. At least not that I know of.”
“Hehe, what a pity. We had already gone to the hospital and obtained the evidence,” Lucy sneered. “Rose, as a journalist for Flourish Media, you knew the truth of the incident but deliberately concealed it in exchange for an interview opportunity. Do you know how despicable your actions are?

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