Unexpected Vows: From Jilted Bride To His Rival’s Wife chapter 8 by Alvis Lane

Chapter 8 Do You Want To Play With My Emotions

Word Count: 626    |  

Countless encounters with Delilah had passed, yet Claudia had never been so victorious as she was on this particular day.

Delilah had always been a sore spot for her due to her affection for Anthony. Claudia often lost her cool whenever Delilah came into the picture.

She was well aware of Delilah’s schemes, yet she continuously stumbled into her traps every single time.

That was why she always embarrassed herself in front of Delilah!

However, once Claudia could think objectively, she realized that Delilah’s ploys were insignificant.

How naive she had been!

The image of Delilah’s enraged face when she hung up the call was enough to make Claudia feel a sense of satisfaction.

She rested the phone, turned off the light, and settled back.

That night, her sleep was remarkably serene.

When morning dawned, even Jace noticed Claudia’s exceptional radiance that day.

Feeling upbeat, Claudia enjoyed an extra piece of toast for breakfast.

Seeing her in high spirits, Jace finally felt at ease to leave for work to tackle the backlog of tasks.

Claudia had received constant care from Aurora, who had taken intermittent leave over a month. So Claudia decided she didn’t need her company for the day.

After breakfast, Claudia found herself in the piano room. After a month-long hiatus from the instrument, her hands felt stiff.

Upon feeling the familiar keys, she quickly lost herself in the wonderful land of music.

She would’ve likely stayed immersed in the melodies if her phone hadn’t abruptly rung.

Claudia halted and picked up the call. Seeing an unfamiliar number, she frowned.

Delilah seemed to be growing increasingly stubborn.

“Delilah, instead of relentlessly pursuing me, why not focus on securing your marriage with Anthony?”

“Miss Marshall, it’s me.”

A deep, rich voice flowed from the phone, startling Claudia. She accidentally struck the piano keys, the sound causing the birds outside to scatter in fright.

Realizing her erroneous assumption, Claudia felt a hint of embarrassment. “Mr. Dreskin?”

“I’m at your villa.”

Peering out the window, Claudia spotted a Bentley parked outside.

“What’s the reason for your visit, Mr. Dreskin?”

Given her injured leg, descending the stairs was quite a task, hence her question.

No sooner had she spoken, she remembered why Bennett was here.

Apparently, Bennett was surprised at her question. He chuckled, “Are you toying with me?”

“No, Mr. Dreskin, let me explain. I…”

Explain what?

Would she admit to being out of her senses? Should she confess that she only intended to use him to irritate Anthony when she made the request?

But she hesitated, feeling as if she’d crossed a line.

Despite being uncertain about Bennett’s plans, it was evident he was serious about his offer.

“So you are playing with my emotions, aren’t you?”

Bennett’s voice echoed again. Claudia hastily denied, “No, I… I’ll get down right away.”

Before she could finish, she heard Bennett’s voice from behind. “Considering your injury, you might need my assistance.”

Claudia was at a loss for words.

Before she knew it, Bennett had ascended the stairs. Claudia stared at him in a daze.

After his announcement, Bennett approached Claudia and lifted her into his arms.

Inhaling his subtle, woody scent, Claudia instinctively held on to his neck.

“Wheelchairs can be quite a bother,” Bennett said, glancing at Claudia.

He then proceeded to carry her out of the room, asking, “Where’s your proof of identity?”

“Uh… It’s in my room.”

Caught off guard by his close proximity, Claudia’s mind blanked. She found herself answering his questions mechanically.

When Bennett placed her proof of identity in his pocket, Claudia wanted to protest but found herself silenced by his dark, penetrating gaze. She inexplicably shrank back, intimidated.

Did she have the audacity to toy with his feelings? Of course not!


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