Unexpected Vows: From Jilted Bride To His Rival’s Wife chapter 4 by Alvis Lane

Chapter 4 Bennett Was No Ordinary Man

Word Count: 591    |   

Jackson and Aurora had just reached Claudia’s hospital room when Bennett was stepping out.

Jackson noticed this and decided to join Bennett on his departure.

The hospital was bustling with visitors during daytime, and the elevator was brimming with people.

It was only when they returned to their vehicle that Jackson managed to query Bennett, “Sir, have you reached an agreement with Miss Marshall?”

Bennett, who had started to relax with closed eyes, reopened them at the sound of Jackson’s voice. He rhythmically tapped on the car seat with his forefinger and answered, “Indeed, it’s all arranged.”

“What should I be setting up for you?”

Jackson was taken aback at how seamlessly things were progressing. As he was wondering what kind of compensation Claudia had asked for, he heard Bennett’s voice from the back seat. “A marital home.”

Believing he had misunderstood, Jackson twisted around to look at Bennett. “Sir, did you just request… a marital home?”

Jackson was in his twenties. Surely his hearing wasn’t failing him already. However, at that moment, he seriously doubted it.

“Yes,” Bennett responded, a nasal tone to his voice, closed his eyes once more, and raised his left hand, signaling the driver to start the car.

The car pulled away gently. Jackson redirected his gaze and gave his hand a quick pinch.

It was painful.

He definitely wasn’t hallucinating!

What on earth could Claudia have said to Bennett? Why was he suddenly asking for a marital home to be prepared?

Having worked for Bennett for so many years, Jackson was confident that the house wasn’t meant for Claudia and Anthony. If it were, Bennett would have simply asked for a property to be transferred under Claudia’s name.

The ride back was a puzzling one for Jackson.

Meanwhile, back in the hospital, Aurora was equally taken aback by Bennett’s visit.

Bennett was no ordinary man.

He was the president of the Segarine Group, having taken over the position five years ago. Even Jace would find it challenging to secure an audience with him.

Yet here he was, visiting Claudia’s hospital room.

Aurora’s gaze fell on Claudia, resting on the hospital bed, and the situation seemed inexplicably strange.

Cece had crossed paths with Bennett only a handful of times. What could he possibly want with her now?

Shaking off her thoughts, Aurora questioned, “Cece, what brought Bennett here?”

“He was the one who hit me last night. He came to discuss compensation.”

“I see.” Aurora acknowledged, appearing to understand the situation. “What did you tell him?”

Claudia appeared lost in thought. As she was about to reply, a silhouette appeared in the doorway. “Cece!”

It was Anthony!

Before Claudia could respond, Aurora sprang to her feet and yelled, “Leave! We don’t need your hypocrisy!”

Anthony remained silent, his gaze focused on Claudia.

He was confident Claudia would ask him to stay.

But this time, Claudia remained silent even as Anthony was pushed out of the ward by Aurora.

Jace, having awoken by then, spotted Anthony and stormed towards him, landing a slap on his face. “How dare you show your face here? Leave at once! You’re not worthy of my daughter! Get out now!”

From his position by the door of the hospital room, Anthony could see Claudia through the window on the door. He found her looking back at him.

As she looked at him, her normally warm gaze turned icy and emotionless.

Anthony’s forehead creased. He understood Claudia was genuinely furious this time.

After one more fleeting glance at him, Claudia averted her eyes.

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