Unexpected Vows: From Jilted Bride To His Rival’s Wife chapter 100 by Alvis Lane

Unexpected Vows: From Jilted Bride To His Rivals Wife

Chapter 100 Why Not

Bennett was undoing the second button, and the scratc mark stood out prominently against his silky-smoot skin.

Claudia tried to divert her gaze, fighting the urge to fixate on the red mark. Yet the sight of Bennett’: marked skin kept conjuring images of the previous night, impossible to ignore.

As he fiddled with the second button, she finally couldn’t resist questioning, “Didn’t I cover the scratch on your neck with cosmetics this morning?”

Bennett glanced at the red mark adorning his left neck before looking at her nonchalantly. “I perspired, causing the foundation and concealer to smudge during the morning.”


Her concealer, foundation and loose powder were all waterproof.

What was happening here?

Frankly, Claudia found it hard to swallow this explanation.

Bennett cast her a casual glance, inquiring. “Any issues?”

“None at all I’m just lamenting over the poor Rev

Chapter 100 Why Not

erformance of my makeup products.”

Well, consider not using them next time.”

Bennett’s lack of guilt baffled Claudia, and she felt too mortified to pry further. Because she knew, if she persisted, the conversation would inevitably steer towards last night’s incident.

Bennett sprawled on the white sofa, reclining in a casual pose. He looked at Claudia and asked nonchalantly, “Why didn’t you accept the check she offered you?”

Caught off guard, Claudia stuttered, “I… Am I allowed to?” A smirk played on Bennett’s lips. “Why would you decline a gift from your mother-in-law? She offered you money with no strings attached. What’s the cause for refusal?”

“Well… I assumed I wasn’t supposed to accept it.”

Did she have a chance to reclaim the hundred million dollars now?

Right then, Marcia appeared at the door and cast a glance at Claudia and Bennett. “Mr. Dreskin, Mrs. Dreskin, your lunch is served.”

“Alright,” Claudia responded, her lips quivering.

She looked at Bennett, adding, “It’s lunchtime.”

She collected her phone and rose to her feet, Bennett following suit Both reached the door almost simultaneously Chapter 100 Why Not

Intimidated by the man’s commanding presence, Claudia instinctively halted, allowing him to pass first.

But Bennett didn’t budge. His gaze dropped to her left foot, asking, “Is your foot feeling better?”

“Nearly there, I think.”

Bennett arched an eyebrow, querying, “What does ‘nearly’ entail?”

Claudia, flustered, admitted, “It hasn’t completely healed.”

Bennett’s brows knitted together. “So, your foot is still painful?”

At his words, Claudia sensed what was coming next.

As anticipated, the moment he finished speaking, she found herself in his arms.

This was not their first such interaction, and Claudia had grown accustomed to it. She instinctively encircled her arms around his neck.

Yet, in doing so, she failed to secure her phone, which dropped to the floor with a muted thud.

In a futile attempt to catch the falling phone, Claudia ended up in a rather awkward position.

Just a moment ago, in her eagerness to reach for her cell phone, she exerted all her strength to swiftly sit up straight, freeing herself from Bennett’s grasp.

Despite her hands still being wrapped around the man’s neck, she had shifted her position from the original Chapter 100 Why Not


posture and was now seated on Bennett’s arms. and her face was only half a punch away from Bennett’s.

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