The Untouchable Ex-Wife By Mizuki Sei Chapter 901

“Long time no see, honey. I thought you were assassinated, but you’re actually
here sunbathing. Don’t you owe me an explanation?”
Renee stood in front of Stefan arrogantly.
She was slim, but her body still managed to block out all the sunlight like a
towering mountain, casting a shadow on the man.
Stefan’s deep eyes stared at her for a long time. He then calmly said, “Since
you’ve seen everything, I don’t think there’s any need for me to explain.”
Enter title…
7/18/23, 6:43 AM Read The Untouchable Ex Wife by Mizuki Sei Chapter 901 2/5
Renee bit her lip. Her fingernails pierced into her palms. She was trying hard to
control her emotions.
How could he betray her so casually? Was his heart made of stone? Did he
have no conscience?
Seraphina continued to slowly feed peeled grapes into Stefan’s mouth. She
smiled coquettishly and asked, “Stef, am I not supposed to be here? Should I
give you two some space?”
“There’s no need.”
Stefan embraced Seraphina and looked coldly at Renee. “Why are you still
here? Do you want to stay and play with us?”
Renee looked at the two people on the sun loungers with a scoff, like she was
looking at a couple of clowns.
She told Stefan, “I know your family is in trouble and you need to get in the
Murphy family’s good graces, so you act intimate with Seraphina in front of me
on purpose, hoping that this would help the Hunt family overcome its difficulties,
am I right?”
“If thinking that way makes you feel better, feel free to do so.”
Stefan shrugged casually and said, “The union of the Murphy family and the
Hunt family will bring a new order to Beach City. If the cost is my marriage, it’s a
price I would willingly pay.”
“I understand your predicament, so I can give you one last chance…”
Renee, like a god, extended her hand to Stefan and said, “Come with me. We’ll
get through this difficult time together.”
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She still believed that the love between her and Stefan was real. She believed
his love for her was not an act.
He must have his reasons for hurting her in such a childish way. He must have
encountered a difficulty he could not solve or perhaps he had no choice.
There was clearly a slight change in Stefan’s eyes.
Not only him; Seraphina and Jovan also seemed surprised.
They were all insiders. They had planned all this to shatter Renee’s love for
Stefan. But it seemed that… her love for him was so deep that she could even
tolerate betrayal.
“You’re overthinking it. I don’t have any difficulties. I just realized that I love
Seraphina more. Seraphina and I are the perfect match for each other. We can
support each other.”
Stefan said ruthlessly.
“Heh, your poor acting skills merely confirmed my suspicion further…”
Renee went straight to the point. “Tell me honestly, what did the Murphy family
promise the Hunt family to make you betray your heart? Whatever they can give
you, maybe I can give you too. I might even be able to give you more.”
“Yeah, right!”
Seraphina sneered, “The Everheart family has long fallen into ruins. The Azure
Group you established with Liam Osborne is also losing money. What can you
give him? You’re just making empty promises…”
“I’m the one who decides if I can give him that, not you, so shut your trap.”
7/18/23, 6:43 AM Read The Untouchable Ex Wife by Mizuki Sei Chapter 901 4/5
Renee gave Seraphina a fierce glare, then turned back to Stefan. She reached
out to him and said, “Come with me. I’ll only count to three. One, two…”

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