The Untouchable Ex-Wife By Mizuki Sei Chapter 1346

Chapter 1346
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“The person you would never meet again…” Clenching her fists, Renee yearned to ask
Quinton if it was Joanne, but didn’t, knowing it was a sensitive topic.
“Let’s talk about you instead, shall we?” Quinton said suddenly and flashed a smile at
Renee. “I heard that the neurosurgeon operated on me because of Stefan. Do you owe him
a favor now, or is it me?”
While peeling the apple, Renee’s hand shook, and she cut her finger. It started bleeding.
Quinton’s eyes grew wide, and he said anxiously, “Renee, are you alright? Let me have a
He tried to get out of bed, but Renee held him down. She sighed and casually wrapped her
finger with tissue. “It’s no big deal. I’m not that delicate.”

After that, she continued peeling the apple and cut it into small pieces. She picked up a
piece with a toothpick and handed it to Quinton. “Eat this.”
Quinton obeyed her and bit into the apple. After that, he said, ‘ Don’t avoid the subject. How
should we return Stefan’s favor?”
“It’s unnecessary.” Renee gritted her teeth, her eyes cold.” It’s what he should do. After all
the things he’s done, it’s already generous of you to keep him alive.”
“You can’t say that.” Quinton’s expression was complicated, and he sighed deeply. “I’ve
been fighting him for so many years, and there’s always so much damage done after. We’re
even now, especially since he willingly hired an expert to do my surgery. He really is quite a
generous man; I’ll look ungrateful if I keep holding on to past grudges.”
“Ugh, Quinton, you…” Quinton’s change caught Renee off guard, and she looked frustrated.
“Before this, you told me you wanted to fight him until the end. What’s with the sudden
change? Do you want to be his friend instead?”

Renee had struggled to get them to stop fighting each other back then, but now it was
Quinton who wanted to make peace with Stefan. It filled her with trepidation.
“No, I won’t be his friend, but… I think there’s no need for us to keep fighting. After all, I can’t
shift all the blame to him for what happened that year.” Quinton frowned deeply. Even
though he didn’t want to recall the past, it was the objective thing to do. After his perception
changed, many things became clearer.
“Umm… what are you referring to?” Renee asked carefully.” Are you trying to say that he
was innocent?”
Quinton stared at her strangely, then shook his head. “Forget it. It was so long ago, and it’s
no longer important who’s at fault. Since you guys have buried the hatchet, you can make
peace and stay out of each other’s lives.”
Renee, however, was still angry at Stefan for what he did to Quinton, but she had to hide it
from Quinton. If not, Quinton would not stop fighting against Stefan. The best outcome was
to live separately. It was clear to her now that her previous fantasy of seeing their families
become close again was just wishful thinking.

“No, you must never stay out of his life.” Quinton looked at Renee apologetically. “I knew
that it was very hard on you after we reunited. You had a bright future with him but I… It was
all my fault, so I hope you can follow your heart regardless of me. I won’t stop you no matter
what choice you make.

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