Shh! Don’t Let Him Know! By Bright Skies Chapter 6

Shh! Don’t Let Him Know! By Bright Skies Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Troubled
Celia looked at Yardley, confused.
“I must remind you that we’re still engaged. Besides, Norman’s a celebrity; I hope there won’t be any scandals involving you two, or it’ll harm the Hughes family’s reputation.”

Celia realized that Yardley had misunderstood her after she heard that.

“Wait a minute … he thinks I like Norman? How did this guy even jump to such a conclusion?” she wondered.

“Also, it won’t be easy for the Lorimer family to accept you, especially since you’re two years older than Norman.”


She thought he was getting a little carried away with his false accusations.

“Who I like is none of your business, so stay out of it,” she told him stoically.

Yardley’s expression hardened. Both of them sat in silence for the rest of the drive. He interpreted Celia’s lack of denial as an implicit agreement.

On the other hand, his words annoyed her.

Yardley was unable to sleep that night, as usual. He had suffered from chronic insomnia since he was kidnapped and imprisoned in a pitch-black room at the age of 13, but that night was different. His mind was filled with thoughts of Celia.

For some reason, scenes from last night kept replaying in Yardley’s mind. He found himself missing having Celia in his arms as he slept. He became even more restless as he dwelled on that train of thought.

“Is she blind? Why would she fall for a boy who hasn’t even fully matured?”

Yardley lit a cigarette in frustration.

Celia spent the next few days at Hughes Inc. peacefully. Her current situation made her yearn for the days when she could travel the world or relax in the manor.

Meanwhile, the Hughes Incorporated’s anniversary was right around the corner.

Celia was whisked away by members of the Hughes family to get ready and change into a formal gown to attend the banquet with Yardley that evening.

Hughes Inc. hosted a grand banquet, and a lot of prominent business figures showed up.

Yardley was busy greeting guests as the CEO while Celia went to the restroom.

“Are you Celia Stanton?” a woman asked Celia as she finished powdering her nose and prepared to leave.

Celia turned around. She noticed a woman her age dressed in a Dior haute couture gown, which suggested she came from a wealthy family.

“Can I help you?”

The woman stepped forward and said, “I’m Willow Xanders.”

Celia had worked at Hughes Inc. for a while and had heard a lot about Willow.

Willow Xanders, the eldest daughter of the Xanders family, was Yardley’s childhood friend. She had been the only woman by Yardley’s side all these years.

Many viewed Willow and Yardley as the perfect match. There had always been rumors that the two of them would eventually get married, but no one expected Celia to show up out of the blue.

“Can I help you?” Celia repeated.

“Here’s ten million dollars. I want you to announce the annulment of your engagement to Yardley at the banquet tonight.” Willow pulled out a card from her bag.

Celia burst out laughing when she heard that.

“Why does everyone in Ashvale enjoy shoving money down my throat? I must admit, though. This woman is quite generous compared to Madam Lilian, who only gave me five thousand dollars,” she mused.

Willow frowned when she noticed the smile on Celia’s face.

“This is enough to guarantee you a carefree life. You should know that Yardley will never marry you. He only brought you to the Hughes residence because of his grandfather’s illness. Yardley will kick you out after his grandfather recovers, and you won’t gain anything at all.”

Celia sneered. “A carefree life? Ms. Xanders, that amount would barely cover my expenses for a month.” She walked away in her high heels.

Willow was dumbfounded.

“Is she nuts? How could a country bumpkin like her spend more than ten million dollars a month?” Her expression hardened when she thought of that. “Since you don’t know your place, don’t blame me for doing what I’m about to do.”

Meanwhile, Yardley had already delivered his speech and left the stage to chat with a few people.

Lillian approached Celia after she came out of the restroom and gave her a warning. “Celia, stop wandering around and sit still. Don’t embarrass the Hughes family!”


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