Shh! Don’t Let Him Know! By Bright Skies Chapter 2

Shh! Don’t Let Him Know! By Bright Skies Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Sleeping in His Bed
Celia didn’t realize the room she was in belonged to someone else. She thought that the Hughes family had purposefully kept the bathroom stocked with men’s products to throw her off.
“What a strange place,” she thought. “And to think I’ll have to stay here for three months!”

Celia had made a bet with her grandfather; she would stay at the Hughes residence for three months, but if she still hadn’t fallen in love with Yardley by the end of that, their engagement would be called off.

Celia took a shower, had dinner served by the housekeeper, and fell into a deep sleep. It had been a long day after all.

Eventually, Yardley got home from a business gathering in the wee hours of the night. He knew that Celia would arrive at the Hughes residence that day. Otto initially asked him to pick her up, but he declined, citing work as an excuse. He had no interest in his fiancée. In fact, he expected their engagement to be called off sooner or later.

Yardley took a shower and went to bed after he returned to his room. Probably because he had drunk that night, Yardley did not notice the woman in his room until he lay down.

The room was dark. Yardley couldn’t make out the woman’s features.

Celia rolled over, hugged him, and murmured, “Behave yourself, Teddy. Stop being so naughty and go back to sleep.”

Yardley frowned. This woman had the same scent as that person in his memories. Somehow, he did nothing. It was likely because he was under the influence of alcohol.

He soon drifted off to sleep with his arms around Celia.

Yardley didn’t experience insomnia that night like he had in the past. On the contrary, he slept soundly. He had a dream in which he saw that scene from ten years ago. He was in that small, dark room, hugged by a young girl. “Don’t be scared. I’m strong. I’ll protect you,” she promised in a child-like voice. Yardley dreamt that he had found her, and it felt so real.

Quinn stood outside Yardley’s room the next day. She hadn’t heard the housekeeper say that Celia had been kicked out of Yardley’s room when she awakened the next morning.

She wondered, “What’s going on? Did Yardley not come home last night? But his car is in the garage! Those two couldn’t possibly have slept together, could they?”

Quinn couldn’t help herself and knocked on the door. “Yardley, Maude has prepared breakfast. Don’t you have an early meeting today? Wake up!”

The noise jolted the couple awake, who had been sleeping soundly in the room. Celia felt as if she were nestled in someone’s arms. She was even more startled when their eyes met, and all traces of drowsiness disappeared.

She sat up in bed and asked in a shocked tone, “Who are you?”

Yardley also looked at her gloomily. “Are you Celia Stanton?”

Celia realized that this guy was her rumored fiancé, Yardley Hughes. However, she had no idea why this guy was in her bed.

“It’s your very first day at the Hughes residence, and you’ve already climbed onto my bed. Heh, you really are something else,” Yardley continued before she could respond.

Celia looked at Yardley in shock.

“What on earth is this guy saying? Me? Climb onto his bed? Is everyone from the Hughes family delusional?” she thought.

However, it all made sense when she thought about the men’s products in the bathroom. This was Yardley’s room. Quinn had tricked her.

Celia got off the bed and scoffed, “Firstly, I did not climb onto your bed. Quinn told me yesterday that this was my room. I’m not interested in you at all, Mr. Hughes. Secondly, I was already asleep last night. Didn’t you notice that there was someone else on your bed when you came back, Mr. Hughes? You even slept the entire night with me in your arms. What do you have to say for yourself? Could it be that you were planning to sleep with me from the very beginning?”

Yardley’s face was dark when he heard those accusations. Memories from the previous night flooded his mind, leaving him at a loss for words. He was taken aback when he met Celia’s gaze. “Those eyes … They look exactly like hers,” he thought.

Celia smirked when she noticed his silence. “What’s the matter? Why are you looking at me like that, Mr. Hughes? Don’t tell me you’ve fallen in love with me at first sight.”

Yardley snapped back to reality, and his expression hardened. “Get out, and don’t come into this room again in the future,” he said coldly.

Celia didn’t stay for long either. She packed up her belongings and left.

Their first meeting was the complete opposite of love at first sight.

Quinn was still standing at the door. Her eyes widened with surprise when she watched Celia walk out of Yardley’s room.

Celia smiled at her. “Good morning!” she greeted. “As you wished, Yardley held me in his arms, and we slept together last night. We actually got along quite well.”

“Nonsense!” Quinn’s face paled with anger.

“How is that even possible? There was no way Yardley would like Celia,” she thought to herself.

However, the truth was right in front of her eyes; Celia and Yardley had both slept together last night.


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