Obsessive CEO’s Sinful Wife By Lil’ Bamboo Chapter 452

Chapter 452
Jealous of an actor and a TV character, Terry was annoyed yet helpless. He could not deal with Lisa’s obsession with actors. It seemed he would have to live with it.
* as soon as
Terry could not handle Lisa well. Lisa could put up with his drastic tactics and would push the limits at any chance he was nicer to her. Lisa was a real pain in the behind.
Lisa had also said that Serenity used to be a big fan of Finn’s. Terry felt a little better hearing that. It seemed that he was not the only one amoyed by this!
Jackson and Terry took turns driving along the way, and they each took half the distance. It was already past 9 pm when they arrived at the San Marco facility.
Terry had made the arrangements prior to their trip. Upon arrival, the staff led them to a room next to the meeting room.
There were several large screens in this room, showing live footage of the meeting room. They could see and listen to conversations happening in the meeting room next door.
Moments later, the mediator-in-charge came to Serenity’s room. Serenity told the mediators about her doubts and methods of asking questions.
Fortunately for Serenity, Terry had gotten a good helper. The mediator was experienced and had considered many points of concern even before Serenity’s reminder.
After communicating with Serenity, the mediator went to the next room and waited. Soon, the police came over with the former witness to Serenity’s case, York Bowyer.
When Serenity saw the witness, she glued her eyes to the screen. She recognized this face. This man had testified in court that she had been drinking despite her claims of actual innocence. She had pleaded to the man to recall his memories carefully, but he had insisted that he had seen it and described it all in vivid detail.
York was only one of the witnesses. There were several other witnesses and so many more. Their testimonies together with the evidence formed a complete chain of stories that left her speechless.
Why? Why?! She had kept asking herself why, but no one could give her an answer. Would she finally have the answer? The mediator spoke to York, discussing a potential resolution to this matter and minimizing the impact of it
The mediator skillfully steered the conversation away from the compensation to York’s current house and then to his family.
No matter how he was questioned, York insisted that he had bought the house with the money from helping his friend with
his business.
“I paid for the house with my life. How could I sell it?! That’s impossible. I don’t have 150 thousand dollars! I only have 15 thousand dollars at most, no more!” York said.
“Is your money for buying a house from a legitimate source? Those people know about your house. They may retaliate if you don’t pay them more. Don’t sweat over the small amount. If they find out about the illegal money.

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