Let the Past End chapter 7 by nasara_neilehj

Chapter 7 Mom

Word Count: 1090    |   

You have my undying affection, Ellie. It’s impossible for me to express how much I care about you. Would you still love me if I returned? He reached out for my hand. Take a firm grip on it. I’m the one who ended our relationship in the first place, so I’ll be the first to acknowledge that I’m a coward. Yes, I adore the fact that I adore you. My apologies.” Her voice wavered, and her lips quivered. Tears have filled the eyes. Something about it glued his fingers to his chin. He gently touched his quivering lips.

What’s stopping me from feeling sorry for you? whether or not you get down on your knees before me. I inhaled deeply and said, “I’m not sure why.” This holds true even if you’re standing on top of the tallest skyscraper in the world. Look at the sky so that the impending tears do not fall.

“Can you believe it, Nate?” Why did you choose to hurt me and leave me in the middle of so many people? Why?”

I need to let him know just how badly he’s wounded me. I hope to convince him that the scar he left behind will always be visible.

Allow me to leave. Whatever I said, he just started squeezing harder. “Release me!” With all my strength, I withdrew my hands. Indignant, I clenched and unclenched my fists. I blinked back the tears as I stared at him.

“Is it better to hurt me than your girl?”

Who knows? Maybe you’re pleased with yourself because I now know how much more you adore her despite me. Why is it because she has more money than me? Is it because she treats me well? It could be because you’ve already had sexual encounters with her.” To dry my eyes, I wiped them.

“You dumped me because I wouldn’t give in to your demands, is that right?” When we first met, I flat out refused to have sexual relations with you. “Thank goodness, since now you’ll have to force me to do the same.”

“Because I witnessed firsthand how my father abandoned my mother after having an affair, I can confirm that having sex with a third party is a regular cause of divorce.”

That was something I was able to show him. “I thought you were different, but you’re also a fool!”

Weird, huh, Ma? It was then that I opened my eyes. Something happened to me, but I can’t place it. My throat dryness is killing me.

I had a ridiculous dream. There’s no way that a cheater can ever make amends with me.

My eyes gleamed for Mama, but she was not in my room. There’s no one else around here who can save me. When did you wake up today? I looked out the window. The night has fallen. What is my sleep time in hours?

“She hasn’t woken up in a long time, “I called the doctor a while ago. The physician simply diagnosed sleeplessness and anxiety as the root causes. In addition, ever since last night, she has not stopped questioning me. The voice of my mom saying, “I’m worried about my son,” came from the hallway.

Sorry, Ma. I’m sorry to keep you up at night with your concerns about me.

I refuse to dwell on the past from this point on. Now is the time for me to focus on the here and now.

“I’ll double-check to see if she’s conscious right now,” she said. Alright, I’ll just let you know. To whoever called, “Appreciate it.”

It sounded like someone opened the door. I pretended to be asleep. It’s not that I want her to be concerned, but there is something I need to know. If I’m awake, she won’t talk to me.

“Honey, please, I need you to wake up.” Yesterday evening, I promised to answer your question. “Just wake up.” On the bed, she reached out and took my hand.

“Because of you, I became the woman I am today.” Like you, I’m so frail and weak that I can’t stand up for my own rights as his wife. I gave him the independence he’d been craving since before you were born. Now he wants to leave, but my mom won’t let him. A cool breeze brushed my hand, and I saw that it had been exposed to water. Mildly opening my left eye, I looked around. enough for me to make out his features. The mother has started to cry. She was still crying.

“Ma..” I opened with the same eyes I closed with.To put it bluntly, I refuse to act. Seeing my mother cry, especially in front of me, is something I cannot abide. After getting on my knees, I gave him a bear hug. I mustered the strength to do it.

You are awake.

“How are you feeling?” Mom was the one who broke the hug first.She gave me a long, hard look to make sure I was fine.

“I’m good. Forgive me, Mom, if I ever ask you that again. He cracked a small grin. Nod. His hand came up to rest on top of mine. There is a mess in my hair.

A confident, capable woman is something every woman should have. You can’t be defeated by a man. To paraphrase, “You just have to have faith in yourselves that you can accomplish it; you can fight for it.” Hers were the words.Exiting the room, he got to his feet.

I wish I could be as resilient as you, Mom, but my body is giving out on me.

When Mommy returned, she brought a platter with a cup on it. The soup was probably steaming hot.

Consume this. It’s no secret that you’re starving. He plopped down at the foot of the bed. Soup is ready; please stir and serve. provided with access to the oral cavity. very gently blown. There was a moment when he was going to try to test me out, but I stepped in the way.

“It’s OK, Mom; I’m capable.” Throw it down next to me.

His brows were knitted as though he disagreed. And yet, he is well aware that he will fail to convince me. After exhaling deeply, he set down his load carefully next to me.

I turned to see my mother departing. There’s no point in dwelling on the past. Even yet, I have reason to celebrate: someone stuck by my side and promised never to abandon me. Oh, and she’s my mom!

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