Left Broken Alpha’s Regret by Melan pamp Chapter 2

Chapter 2
Aliza pov
Taking one last look back at the house before it’s out of my sight when I feel his face close to my neck, I already know before he says anything what his intentions are!
“How about it or do you want me to ride you in instead!” he says and I’m discussed by his presence, almost gagging just by the thought. Turning my head I look into his eyes.
“You do not touch me or will teach me a thing! I know enough without your disgusting hands on my body!” I spit at him and push his hand off my thigh.
His eyes become narrow and I know he is pi**ed!
“Then you better do as John says!” he spit at me when he grab my cheek with his hand and this is my problem and it has gotten worse since I got my wolf, I’m constantly talking back and fighting for myself and more than once it gets me in deeper problem but I can’t help it!
I’m not tolerating being treated this way and through all these years John never manages to break me, maybe it’s because alpha blood runs in my veins.
Grabbing his hand with mine before I growl at him, I’m not backing down from fighting him if I need it.
He starts laughing before he lets go of my cheek and sits back in his seat, I keep my eyes on him the whole time.
“Relax! I’m not going to force you,” he says and starts to talk with the driver, I can’t relax and constantly glance over
at him from time to time.
I bet he would take his chance if he got it to do whatever he wanted, but he will not get the opportunity to!
Turning my head I look out the window and see houses swish by while people are going about their lives, looking happy without any worries while I’m here and trapped in a car with only one task I have to fulfill or I won’t have any future to come back to or any pack.
A task I want nothing to do with!
Our pack is located to the side of a big city the one that’s being run by the Black family, a wealthy, successful pack that runs the city and the largest area around this side of the country. Our pack isn’t big but when my father where alive it where thriving and we grew bigger by the years, today several pack members have left and joined other packs while John has run the economy to the bottom.
“We are almost here!” comes the driver’s voice and snaps me out of my thoughts, looking ahead of me I see the big building the banquet is supposed to be held tonight and John made sure I got a room on the top floor of the building. Every pack close to here is invited to the banquet and the Alpha meeting tomorrow. I sigh and drag a hand

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through my hair, how can I get out of this?
The car soon comes to a stop while I don’t open my door, wanting to prolong the time as if I’m hoping to find a miracle that can get me out of this.
Hearing Bill walk around the car and open the door before he leans in and drags me out of it.
“Now don’t be difficult and just do what you are told!” he snaps at me before he starts dragging me with him over to the entrance of the big hotel.
“Let go of my arm! I’m perfectly fine walking myself!” I snap at him while trying to get him to lose his grip on me.
“Then you walk inside without a word!” he says to my ear before he let go of his grip and I have nowhere to go but follow him inside, once we reach to the front desk he gets the key to the room and places his hand on my lower back
and gets inside
before he pushes me over to the elevator on my lower back
with me.
“You will get ready and put on the dress before I pick you up, is that clear!” he says when the elevator arrives at the right floor, when the doors are opened he pushes me out of them and pulls me over to a door when he opens it and drags me inside with him. Looking around the room I see a red dress laying on the bed ready to be put on, hearing him place the bag down before he walks past me and picks the dress up. Holding it in front of me he whistles and takes a step closer to where I am.
Chapter 2
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“This dress is perfect and if you play your cards right there will be a better day tomorrow!” he says when I feel him drag a finger down my arm, pulling it away from him and growl when he still takes a step closer until our bodies almost touch. I’m discussed by him and can’t get him out of this room fast enough!
“Isn’t you supposed to report our arrival to John or are you disobeying your Alpha!” I snarl at him while standing my ground, hearing him chuckle at me before he leans closer and takes a sniff on my shoulder.
“He doesn’t know
in 4 have arrived yet and I have no`
problem in forcing you on the bed!” he says and tries to sound threatening, well he can forget it!
With all the training in self-defense and combat, I have gotten through these years without them knowing he would be dead before he even tried to force me.
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“Well, you can try!” I say and turn my head to look at him.
“But then your little plan will be out the door and I have no problem in letting John know why!” I spit back at him when I see him think for a long moment, I already know what he is going to do before he throws the dress on the bed and starts to walk out of the room with heavy steps.
“I’ll be back in one hour and you better be ready!” he says by the door before he opens it and gets out.
I’m lost in my thoughts for a long moment and try to find a way out of this!
Chapter 2
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I know one thing though, I will never go through with their plan!
I have to figure out another way and that’s fast before it’s going to be too late and I’m left with no choice.
I can’t let this happen I’m supposed to save myself for my mate!


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