EDEN: The Daughter of the Moon chapter 6 by kk winter


Eden pov

As promised, once midnight rolled around, I snuck out of my cell and went to the old man at the end of the hall. I spent hours pondering ideas how to unlock his cell just to be met with the surprise that his cell had never been locked.

I helped him out and led him to my little space to grab the backpack. He was right, the poor man really was old and had difficulty moving, but since I promised to get him out of here, I didn’t let him convince me to leave him behind.

The pack was sound asleep when we got to the top of the stairs and opened the door to the main area of the building. Not everyone, though, as we heard some voices in the distance.

I glanced at the old man and nodded towards a darker corner. “You stay here, I’ll sneak into the kitchen and grab some food for us. Don’t question me, I know what I’m doing,” I whispered.

He didn’t look too pleased, but did as I told him. As I snuck into the kitchen and grabbed some fruits from the pantry along with dry foods we could cook needing only a pot, water and fire, I reminded myself I should steal a pot and at least two spoons.

The thought held me back a little, but that had to be a blessing from a Goddess because while I went through stuff in the pantry, someone entered the kitchen.

“He marked me. Can you imagine the humiliation Asher escaped by rejecting her and claiming me as his mate?” My step-sisters’ voice startled me.

I didn’t care about the man who rejected me, but I would be a liar if I claimed her statement didn’t sting. He didn’t care about me. This was enough proof for my decision to leave become final.

“I heard he went to the cells to see the runt. Aren’t you scared he might want to keep her as a side piece? A mistress of a sort? I mean, we all have heard that sex with your mate is supposed to be the best sex ever. Let’s face it, Asher is an Alpha and those men aren’t known for self-control.” Another voice joined the discussion.

I felt sick to my stomach listening to them. Not only because of the ridiculous suggestions, but also at how easy it was for them both to talk about others and their personal lives like this.

“Ha,” Kayla laughed. “I wouldn’t care if he tried to keep the halfbreed as his side piece, really. I would do the same with my mate, problem solved. Besides, she’s more human than she could be one of us, imagine how easy it would be for Asher to break her. He has no idea how to deal with someone so breakable – he could try to choke her during the deed and kill her.” She explained.

Bile rose in my throat. All of them were so cruel, I couldn’t believe how good they were at hiding their true colors to outsiders.

“Whatever, Kayla, just be careful. You two might piss off the Moon Goddess with this stunt, you know,” the other voice mumbled.

“Yeah, like I care. First of all, she’s probably too old to bother. And honestly, if she didn’t want us to break mate bonds, she shouldn’t have given us free will. The Goddess can get fucked for all I care, I will get away with this regardless. Besides, if there will be any consequences, mom will get me out of trouble using the runt’s money.”

They both laughed and left the kitchen. My hands shook, but I still managed to stay quiet as I grabbed the pot and the spoons before leaving the kitchen.

With no one in sight, I ran to my new friend, wrapped my arm around his waist and helped him walk toward the exit of the pack house. We were literally in front of the goal when we heard some arguing and shouting from upstairs.

“You can see her tomorrow, Asher!” Kayla screamed.

“No, now,” the Alpha growled.

My body froze as the old man looked at me in pure panic. I shook my head. “She will hold him back, I know she will, but we need to leave now,” I whispered.

The lovebirds kept arguing as we left the house and went down the massive stairs in front of it. I looked around, just to make sure no one was near us and pointed a finger in the direction we had to leave. “There, that’s the blind spot of the midnight patrol. I know they all drank during dinner, so they won’t bother to check even if they catch our scents.”

“Are you sure? Maybe we should wait a little longer and go then? You heard that man, dear, he wants to see you. What if he goes down there and doesn’t see you while we’re still in the territory?”

He had some valid points, but in this situation, we wouldn’t know if we didn’t try.

“I’m willing to take the risk,” I muttered and looked at him to add. “Are you?”

Although we didn’t know each other, something that flashed in his eyes was enough for me to know that we were in this together. The corner of his lip twitched as he nodded his head and we didn’t hesitate to head towards our freedom.

There was no saying if we could make it, but again, if we didn’t try…

By the time we approached the forest line, I held my breath, listening to the sounds of nature. If the patrol wolves were near, I needed to hear them to avoid them, the same as I had to listen in to what was happening behind our backs.

If my new ally was right, the Alpha planned to go down to the cells to look for me, so the moment we will hear an outraged growl, we will know he will discover my absence.

As if the thought crossed both of our minds, we added a step as we hurried through the forest toward the pack border.

“I still think you should have left me behind, I’m getting tired and won’t be able to walk for long. Especially this fast,” he whispered.

Panic surged through me as I overheard something in the distance. Those had to be patrol wolves and surely enough, the luck wasn’t on our side. They were heading in our direction.


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