EDEN: The Daughter of the Moon chapter 2 by kk winter


Eden pov

I came to my senses in the cell. Perhaps thinking they would allow me to stay in the hospital room until I wake up was yet another delusion, but it still stings to know they threw me in here after what they did.

Worse of all, I didn’t sleep on my bed – I was tossed inside the cell and woke up on the ground. This place didn’t even have a floor, so my body was covered in dirt.

Groaning, I sat up and a wave of pain instantly shot though my lower belly, forcing a sharp hiss to escape my lips.

My hand shook as I gripped the shirt I was wearing and slightly pulled it up. Surely, everything they did was hidden under bandages, but I didn’t need anyone to come here and explain to me what had happened.

I knew a year ago she was planning this, but I never thought she could be that heartless to actually go through with the plan.

“Happy birthday, halfbreed,” someone chuckled.

I didn’t dare to look around or speak up. Unless I was asked a question, talking was a punishable offense.

“Enjoying your gift, ey? Don’t worry, the doc stitched you up pretty nicely so the scars won’t be as ugly as your face. Let’s go, unlike you, our Luna is a woman of grace and beauty, she is the only one who still insists your pathetic existence is of use. It’s your lucky day, she lined up all of the pack’s unmated men and some of our guests to find your mate.”

At the strangers’ words, I couldn’t help but feel how hope blossomed within me. My chest felt warm and my heart started beating a little stronger.

Although I didn’t hear a voice in my head, which was supposed to be there if I had a wolf, I didn’t let that thought drag me down. Even without a wolf I had a chance to meet a mate. After all, my father was a very well-known and powerful shifter, I had some of his blood in my veins too.

Burying the pain within me for later, I rose to my feet and tried to dust off the dirt from my clothes.

“As if that will help you,” the stranger snickered. “Have you seen yourself in the mirror?”

The insults didn’t move me anymore. Hadn’t for years, hence why the pack decided to stick to physical abuse when I didn’t react to words anymore.

I didn’t care about the time I had lost unconscious after the procedure. Finally, the day was here. I survived, endured and fought for a better future.

The man that walked in front of me kept laughing under his breath, but I didn’t pay mind to his behavior. And true to his words, when he led me out of the pack house, rows of young men stood in front of the building.

As soon as I appeared in their sight, the men started hollering insults.

I held my breath when my step-mother suddenly appeared next to me and spoke up.

“Gentlemen, please approach us one at a time so it’s easier for mates to recognise each other.”

My eyes were cast down, I didn’t dare to meet anyone’s gaze. Even if my wolf wasn’t present, or didn’t exist, they could still tell if we were mates using their senses. Scent, in particular. Although I was sure I reeked of blood, hospital and dirt, they should be able to tell my scent apart from others.

One by one, the men approached us. After the first twenty, I was slowly losing hope and letting my mind drag me deeper into the abyss of misery. He wasn’t here…

That is, until a hand grabbed my chin and forced my face up. My eyes met the most mesmerizing brown eyes I had ever seen. My breath hitched and I could feel sparks rush over my skin.

It was him. I had a mate. The Goddess didn’t punish me for being birthed by a human. She never hated me, she had a mate in mind to prove I was worth something! Oh, thank you, Goddess.

We stared at each other for a moment until the chatter around us died down. My step-mother was laughing about something, but once she noticed the intensive way the stranger was staring at me, she gasped.

“Impossible. No Alpha should be mated to the runt of the litter!” She hissed and slapped his hand away.

Right in front of my eyes, I watched this man go through so many emotions, my head was spinning. The hint of adoration I saw in his eyes before faded and now, I looked at an emotionless face.

“Indeed. If anything, I was thinking Kayla would be my mate, not this servant,” he grumbled.

I averted my gaze again and stared at my feet, blinking away the tears. Of course, this stranger hoped it would be my step-sister he would be mated to. I couldn’t blame him even if I wanted to, she really was everything I couldn’t be.

But more than that thought hurt his words. He thought of me as the pack’s servant, not Luna’s step daughter. If only he knew why I was here, what they did to me and how they ridiculed my existence, maybe he would understand he wanted no ties with this pack.

“The show is over, everyone,” my step-mother shouted, startling everyone, including me. I stood frozen, unsure of what I was supposed to do or if I had to speak up.

I should be able to talk freely to the man if he was my mate, right?

My step-mother’s hand grabbed my shoulder and she didn’t shy away from extending her claw to pierce my skin. As soon as the sharp nails sunk in my flesh, I wanted to scream in pain, but I refused to give her the satisfaction of hearing my cries.

The man growled at her. “I think we should discuss this first.” She said in a sweet voice. “There are a few things you don’t know about our precious little Eden, Alpha. Trust me, you will want to hear me out before you make a decision. After all, marking a mate is a lifelong commitment and I wouldn’t forgive myself if I let you do so without knowing all the details.”


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