Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You

Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You Chapter 103

Chapter 103RAVELPRESENT TIMEA multitude of events were unfolding simultaneously. I’d been relentlessly attempting to get in tow with Kayudar since he departed from Eleanor’s ward, yet my efforts remained fruitless. With each am reading to my calls being rerouted to his voicemail, I couldn’t help but empathize with the frustration they may have experwared with […]

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Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You Chapter 102

Chapter 102RAVELTHREE YEARS AGOANNIVERSARY NIGHTToday, I handed Hazel the divorce papers, and her reaction was precisely as I had anticipated. To my disappointment, I found myself resorting to using harsh and hurtful words, aiming to provoke her into harboring animosity towards me. My intention was to make her loathe me, hoping that this would expedite

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Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You Chapter 101

Chapter 101RAVELPRESENT TIMEAfter safely dropping Hazel off at her apartment, I made the decision to return to the hospital to retrieve my wallet, which I had carelessly left behind.My original plan had included a stop at my manor to collect fresh, clean clothes for the next day and gather some essential work documents before making

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Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You Chapter 100

Chapter 10018+RAVELTHREE YEARS AGOThe looming deadline set by the mysterious sender for delivering the divorce papers to Hazel falls upon us tomorrow. I’ve already consulted with my attorney, who guarantees that the necessary paperwork will be prepared by then. I can honestly say I’ve never feared a day with such apprehension in all my years.In

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Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You Chapter 99

Chapter 99RAVELPRESENT TIMEI appreciate Hazel’s presence here in New York, yet I harbor a profound aversion for the circumstances that brought her to this place. It has now been three long and arduous weeks since Eleanor fell into a deep, ominous coma. In the somber confines of the hospital, the medical professionals offer their reassurances,

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Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You Chapter 98

Chapter 98HAZELPRESENT TIMEI’ve been residing in the city of New York for the past three days, and it saddens me deeply that Eleanor remains in a coma, her condition unchanged. While I navigate my professional commitments through the virtual realm, it is Agatha who gallantly conducts our in-person meetings.To be candid, my communication with David

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Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You Chapter 97

Chapter 97RAVELTHREE YEARS AGOThe relentless messages from the anonymous sender were escalating the tension, leaving me exasperated. Raymond entered my office, his expression mirroring my own frustration. As he pulled out a chair and settled into it with a frustrated sigh, his face tightened with annoyance.“You wouldn’t mind if I helped myself to a drink,

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Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You Chapter 96

Chapter 96DAVIDPRESENT TIMEI was acutely aware that she wasn’t residing in Seattle, long before I stumbled upon the news of Ravel Southwark’s reconciliation with his ex-wife, confirming my suspicions about her absence from Seattle. The rekindling of their relationship deeply vexes me, leading me to question whether I’ve been excessively indulgent in expressing my affection

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Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You Chapter 95

Chapter 95RAVELPRESENT TIMEI accompanied Hazel to the apartment she had thoughtfully secured for her temporary residence. Although I had generously extended the offer of one of the penthouses, particularly the one I had personally bought for her, she gracefully declined, firmly asserting that she had already settled the rental fee and had no intentions of

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Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You Chapter 94

COMMENTChapter 94RAVELTHREE YEARS AGOAs the one-week countdown to my first wedding anniversary with Hazel begins, anticipation courses through me. I find myself eagerly awaiting the moment when I can present her with the meticulously prepared gifts I’ve gathered for her. What makes this occasion even more special is the fact that her birthday is just

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