Becoming the Strongest Master ( Konnor Bonilla ) Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Who the Hell Are You Talking to?

A bunch of people rushed in.

Seeing the body of Jeffery in the blood, people had different expressions.

Jacob raised his hand to signal them to cool down.

Konnor smiled at him. “First, return the goods. I can help you take over the Dark Dragon Gang and become the leader. Second, return the goods and go to hell with him.”

Jacob stared at Jeffery on the ground and then withdrew his knife, smiling at Konnor, “Mr. Nine, it was Jeffery who gave the order. We just followed instructions. I’ll have the goods returned. I’ll listen to you from now on.”

Konnor flipped the black card and kicked Jeffery’s body. “Clean it. I am busy and gotta go.”

As soon as he left the Dark Dragon Group, a Mercedes stopped there.

Harry, with a bandage around his head, got off angrily.

He was followed by a man walking with a crutch who had scars on his face.

The scar–faced man hesitated behind Harry. “Mr. Dorsey, Konnor is no pushover. We’d better think twice!”

Harry kicked him down. “Fuck off! I must kill him! I came to




16 Who the Hill Are

talk to your boss! As long as he kills Konnor, I as much money as he wants!”

As he spoke, Harry rushed upstairs angrily.

Jeffery’s body on the seventh floor had been cleaned up.

Jacob took Jeffery’s seat. He looked at those followers in the office and held Jeffery’s gun. “I’m gonna take over Dark Dragon Group. Pros or cons?”


Someone took the initiative to take his side. Others followed.

Jacob laughed.

Noises came from outside. Harry squeezed in. “Where is Jeffery? I need to talk to him.”

Jacob lit up a cigar. “Mr. Dorsey, what can I do for you?”

“I don’t want to talk to you. I want to talk to the head!”

Jacob put on a stern expression. “Mr. Dorsey, just tell me what you want. Jeffery is not here.”

But Harry seemed unaware of the situation. “I don’t want to talk to you. I want to talk to Jeffery! It’s a big deal! You’re just his right hand!”

A loud bang echoed.

Jacob had a dark expression and shot the lamp on the

ceiling. The shattered glass fell on Harry’s head. “I said he is




Chapter 16 Who the Hell Are You Talking to?

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not here. Now, I’m in charge!”

Harry finally took a tumble.

His face turned pale.

Jacob had a cigar in his mouth. “What can I do for you?”

Harry came back to his senses. “I want you to kill someone! I’ll pay you 5 million…no…8 million dollars!”

Hearing this, Jacob leaned over. It was important for him to achieve something to convince his followers since he just became the head.

8 million dollars meant a lot to them.

“Who?” asked Jacob.

Harry had a fierce face. “A deliveryman!”

Jacob put his feet on the table. “8 million dollars for a deliveryman? If you were joking, you shouldn’t have come!”

“I’m not kidding! A deliveryman beat me up and stole my woman! I want him to die!” shouted Harry.

Jacob understood. “OK. Mr. Dorsey, give me his information. I’ll have him killed.”

“No! want you to do it on your own because he’s strong.” Harry was angry.

Thinking of the 8 million dollars, Jacob didn’t say no. “OK! Give me his photo.”




Chapter 16 Who the Hell Are You Talking to?

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“I don’t have any. But I have his address. I’ll go with you and watch him die.”

Harry opened his eyes so wide!

“OK! I’ll take you with me and make you satisfied!”

Jacob left with tens of people.

Konnor called Seth and asked him to take the goods back. Then he got a shared bike and went home. He put on a uniform for a deliveryman and was ready for work.

He went downstairs and put on his helmet.

Then tens of people surrounded him with sticks and knives.

“Our boss wants to see you.”

Konnor turned around and saw the Mercedes nearby.

It looked familiar.

The door was pulled open, revealing Harry’s almost twisted face.

Harry jumped down and spat out. “Jerk! Didn’t expect to see me so soon, right?”

Konnor nodded coldly and sneered, “Yeah.”

Harry took a stick and pointed at him. “Kneel.”

Konnor lit up a cigarette. “I don’t know how to. Teach me.”

“Shit! How dare you be so proud?”




Chapter 16 Who the Hell Are You Talking to?

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Harry smashed the stick at him.

When Konnor dodged away, he flipped the cigarette butt into Harry’s mouth and covered his mouth with his hand.

He made Harry unable to spit it out.

Harry screamed in pain.

Konnor hit his belly with his knee. The pain caused Harry to bend. Then Konnor punched his back, making Harry kneel.

Harry opened his mouth and spat out the cigarette butt.

He roared in anger.

“Jacob! What are you waiting for? I paid you to help me, not to enjoy the show!”

The door was pulled open slowly.

Jacob got down.

He lit up a cigarette proudly, tilted his head, and signaled his man to light it up.

He walked over with a bunch of people fiercely.

Harry got up with a fierce face. “Don’t kill him now! I will torture him to death! I want him to live in a living hell. I will humiliate and kill Maryjane before him!”

Jacob shook his head and walked over. “Bro, you…”

He didn’t finish his words.



Chapter 16 Who the Hell Are You Talking to?

Konnor slapped him.

The cigar in Jacob’s mouth flew out.

“Who the hell are you talking to?”

Jacob was mad.

Konnor opened the helmet.

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“Jacob, you have just got the position for a while. But now, you’re throwing weight around before me?”

Jacob looked at him in shock. His pride was gone.

He didn’t expect the deliveryman to be Konnor.

When he first saw Konnor, he was wearing a brand suit.

How could he be a deliveryman?

Jacob felt helpless.

How would he be a deliveryman?

“Mr. Nine, I didn’t know it was you. If I had known this, I wouldn’t have dared to do so!” Jacob explained.

Harry’s face froze.

Seeing that Konnor was still angry, Jacob turned to Harry and kicked him. Harry was kicked down at once. He felt dizzy. Dark Dragon Gang was the most powerful gang in Lakebell. Why would Jacob be afraid of a deliveryman?

Jacob pulled him and kicked him to make him kneel before




Chapter 16 Who the Hett Are You Talking to?

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Konnor. “Mr. Nine, he wants to kill you!”

Konnor stepped on Harry’s wrist. With a crack, his hand was broken.


Harry screamed in pain.

“This is your last chance. You understand?” Konnor lowered his head.

Harry nodded.

Konnor had another cigarette in his mouth.

Jacob hurriedly lit it up for him with a bow.

Konnor rode on his electric motorbike.

“By the way, Maryjane is my woman. Stay away from her. I just broke your hand. But you won’t be so lucky next time. Remember?”

Harry nodded. “Yes! Yes!”

Seeing Konnor leave, Harry covered his wrist. “Jacob! What do you mean?”

“You can’t afford to offend him!” Jacob glanced at him coldly. He almost got into trouble because of Harry.

However, Harry was both mentally and physically hurt. “My family is the richest in this city. How can I not afford to offend a deliveryman?”


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