An Understated Dominance Chapter 1748 by Marina Vittori

“That sounds about right.”

Dustin nodded.

“There’s been a huge change in the Astonishing World List. Alaric Drakon and Seth Hughes passed away one after another. Cesar Fent is still missing, and Nestor Wilkins was killed. We lost four of the ten best fighters from last year. It’s a huge loss. We’re lucky to have found new and strong fighters to replace them. It’s true that new talents will always replace old ones,” Grace said.

“Do you know anything about the new people who just made it to the list?” Dustin suddenly asked.

“The fifth one on the list, Reagan Judd. He is the new leader of Dragon Guard. My father told you about him before. He used to go by Reston Rever. He finally got what he wanted when Alaric Drakon died.”

“I know Reagan Judd. What I don’t understand is, he was never on the list before. How did he make it to the list after Alaric’s death and how did he make it to the top five?”

Dustin was slightly curious.

“How should I explain this? Reagan has never revealed much about himself. When Alaric was still alive, Reagan was overshadowed and no one paid much attention to him. After Alaric’s death, Reagan succeeded him as leader. He quickly took control of the remnants of Dragon Guard with an iron fist. When that happened, the Zenith Society finally realized that Reagan was no ordinary person and ranked him fifth. This was based on their conservative estimation. His true potential should be no weaker than the leaders of the three major sects,” Grace spoke in a serious tone.


Dustin frowned slightly. The gap between those listed on the Astonishing World List was huge. Seth Hughes still won despite taking on three of the fighters on the Astonishing World List alone. From this, the gap was obvious for all to see.

Besides, Dustin had fought against Nestor Wilkins. His and Nestor’s abilities were on par with each other. Dustin had to use the secret Rhys technique just so he could win by a little. Even Nestor who ranked tenth was very strong. He couldn’t imagine how terrifying Reagan would be, given that he ranked fifth. He wasn’t sure if he would survive the match if he really met Reagon, much less win the fight.

“He must be extraordinary to become the next-in-command of Dragon Guard.”

Grace said seriously, “Besides, there are many talents in Dragon Guard.

Although Seth might have defeated half of the force, those that remain still pose a real risk. Our trip to West Lucozia this time is very dangerous.”

“What? Are you scared? If you regret coming with me, we can still turn back. 11

Dustin flashed a smile.

“I will, of course, fulfill what I have promised you. Besides, you might not be able to go up against the remnants of Dragon Guard without my help,” Grace said.

“Your Highness, you’re absolutely right. When we arrive in West Lucozia, I’ll depend on you entirely.”

Dustin poked fun at her.

“Stop joking around. You’re the mastermind. You have to do your part, my job is to assist only,” Grace said in an exasperated manner.

“You’re the more able-bodied one among us. I’m a patient now, and I need to rest.”

Dustin pretended to be weak.

“Haha, look at you now! You’re so healthy that you could fight a bull. How are you a sickly patient?”

Grace rolled her eyes. She was amazed at the speed of Dustin’s recovery. His wound had already almost recovered in just one night. He should be able to make a full recovery in another two to three days. It was very rare to have such a healthy body.

“Your Highness, we still have a long way to go. Why don’t you rest for a while? I’ll wake you up when we arrive in West Lucozia.”

“Sure, I’ll nap for a while.”

Grace nodded. She sat beside Dustin and closed her eyes.

Time flew. Soon, it was noon. The plane slowly landed when it was near evening. They were finally in West Lucozia.

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