An Understated Dominance Chapter 1432 by Marina Vittori

Looking at the wound, it was clear that the cut was deep. If it were an ordinary person, they probably couldn’t help but scream.

However, Elara remained expressionless throughout. She didn’t even furrow her brow. It was as if the blade didn’t touch her. This woman was undoubtedly a fierce warrior!

“Give me the medicine!” Elara stepped onto a chair. She tore off half of her pants, revealing a well-toned thigh that combined strength and beauty.

She scooped out some ointment from a jar and casually applied it to the wound.

Then, something magical happened. In just half an hour, the bleeding from the wound had stopped. The cold and numbing sensation made Elara, who had been emotionless, finally show a trace of surprise.

As a grandmaster martial artist, she could naturally feel the subtle changes in her body. She had to admit that this ointment was truly extraordinary. After about half an hour, Elara wiped the remaining ointment away with a towel.

The previous wound had mostly healed, leaving only a faint red mark. It was fresh, new skin.

“Ms. Elara, do you believe it now?”

Dustin smiled.

“Yes,” Elara nodded, holding her sword and silently retreating to the side, not speaking further.

“Mr. Dawson, what do you Dustin shifted his gaze. think?”

“It’s truly a fantastic item!” Bo beamed. “I may not be interested in money, but for the family business, I need to make some effort. About this Dew Balm, how do you propose we collaborate?”

Dustin laid out the terms. “In terms of production, I’ve already partnered with the Camron family. Mr. Dawson, your role will be sales and promotion. We will utilize the Dawson family’s connections and influence to turn Dew Balm into a blockbuster product.”

He added, “As for the profit distribution, we can go with a forty- thirty-thirty split. The Dawson family takes forty percent, and the Camron family and I each get thirty percent. What do you say?”

“I thought you’d be more demanding, but you’re quite fair.” Bo chuckled.

With the Dawson family’s influence, they could easily secure a forty percent share. However, hearing it from Dustin was another matter.

“In business, fairness and honesty matter. The Dawson family has contributed the most, so naturally, they should get the lion’s share.”

Dustin smiled.

“Right, I like your attitude.” Bo nodded in satisfaction. His face lit up even more, and the intense look in his eyes made Dustin’s skin crawl. Was he seriously suggesting something inappropriate?

“Mr. Dawson, Dew Balm may not have a smooth path ahead. We have two competitors to watch out for. I hope you’re prepared.” Dustin wisely changed the subject.

“Oh? Who dares to compete with the Dawson family?” Mr. Dawson raised an eyebrow.

“The Welch family and the Swanson family from the Eight Great Families,” Dustin briefly recounted the situation.

“I see. With the ethics of the Welch and Swanson families, it’s not surprising they’d resort to such low tactics.

“But you don’t have to worry about the market. Our product is good and affordable, and with my family’s connections and influence, we can easily outshine them,” Bo assured him.

“With your words, Mr. Dawson, I’m at ease.” Dustin nodded.

“Dustin, if you stick with me, you won’t be treated unfairly. I promise you a life of luxury and extravagance.” Bo placed his hand on Dustin’s shoulder, giving it a meaningful pat.

Dustin froze, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. This was supposed to be a business talk. Why was it suddenly taking an unexpected turn?

“Dustin, I must say you’re a good- looking man, with that flawless skin and all. Fits right into my tastes,” Bo commented.

“Once you accept a few conditions of mine, I assure you, a life of luxury and endless pleasures will be at your disposal.”

Bo’s gaze roved up and down, filled with a fiery desire as if he were appreciating a fine piece of art. Dustin found himself in an awkward and nerve-wracking situation.

“This is not how I envisioned this business meeting,” he muttered to himself, feeling his skin crawl.

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