An Understated Dominance Chapter 1431 by Marina Vittori

“Exceptional quality?”

Bo raised an eyebrow, giving Dustin a knowing look that sent shivers down his spine. Was this guy really eyeing him up?

Dustin took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. “Mr. Dawson, I’ve heard that the Dawson family has made significant advancements in the field of medicine.”

He added, “Well, I happen to have a miraculous topical medicine called Dew Balm. It not only stops bleeding and aids in wound healing but can also remove scars.

“Once it hits the market, it’s sure to bring in a fortune for the Dawson family.”

“Topical medicine?” Mr. Dawson said, raising his teacup to take a sip with a hint of disinterest.

“We have countless medicines like that in the Dawson family, such as Dawson’s Healing Balm. It was specially designed for healing wounds and removing scars, and it far surpasses any other similar product available.”

“Dawson’s Healing Balm, naturally, I’ve heard of it,” Dustin smiled. “But compared to my Dew Balm, it falls quite short.”

“Oh? Quite the self-assured man, aren’t you?” Bo raised a curious eyebrow. The Dawson family was a powerhouse in the pharmaceutical industry. Whether it was acquisitions or developing new drugs, they were top- tier in every aspect.

Their Dawson’s Healing Balm was a household name, with excellent sales figures. To challenge the Dawson’s Healing Balm with an unheard-of ointment left Bo curious. Where did this guy get his confidence?

“It’s not about confidence but facts,” Dustin said, dead serious. “To be honest, the healing effects of Dew Balm is at least ten times better than Dawson’s Healing Balm.”

“Ten times?” Bo’s voice raised, reflecting his disbelief. “Are you kidding me? Do I look that gullible to you?”

Dawson’s Healing Balm was already considered the best topical medicine available. Claiming that an unheard-of product like Dew Balm had ten times the efficacy was nothing short of calling him a fool.

“Mr. Dawson, let’s not be hasty. Whether it’s true or not, you can find out by trying it,” Dustin said with a hint of amusement, not offering any more explanations. Using the same method as before, he cut his arm and applied Dew Balm to it.

About half an hour later, Dustin wiped off the remaining Dew Balm to reveal his completely healed arm. The previous wound had been entirely restored.

“How is this possible?” Bo’s eyes widened in astonishment. Even with all his knowledge and experience, he found this sight unbelievable.

The previous long wound had vanished as if it had never existed. The efficacy of Dew Balm was indeed extraordinary.

Dawson’s Healing Balm had taken years of research and development to reach its current status. However, the performance of Dew Balm had surpassed it completely. Its effectiveness wasn’t just ten times superior but even more miraculous.

“Mr. Dawson, are you satisfied with Dew Balm?” Dustin asked with a smirk.

“Uh…” Bo hesitated.

Was he satisfied? Dew Balm had the potential to overshadow every other topical medicine on the market. It was like leveling the playing field.

“Mr. Dawson, be cautious. This might be a trick!” Elara, who had been silently observing, finally spoke.

“What concerns you, Ms. Elara?” Dustin asked in response. “Such a miraculous medicine? I suspect you’ve played a trick, creating an illusion,” Elara said sternly.

In her view, Dustin had likely used some sort of illusion or deception. It was similar to those stage magicians who cut people in half and then magically restore them. It was all a gimmick.

“Ms. Elara, it seems you don’t trust me. How about trying it yourself?” Dustin pushed Dew Balm toward the table.

“Alright, I will,” Elara said without hesitation. She drew her blade and sliced her thigh. As the blade passed, her thigh immediately opened up and began to bleed.

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