An Understated Dominance By Marina Vittori Chapter 1094

Caden lay unconscious in a VIP ward in East Swinton Hospital. He was pale, and his breathing was weak. His heartbeat was slow, and his body felt cold to the touch. At a glance, he looked like he was dead.

A group of specialists were in the ward, whispering among themselves. They were discussing his condition and thinking of all the possible treatment methods they could use.

But after a long time, they came up with nothing. None of them could suggest a treatment plan. Lily, Sheila, Vivian, and Evan stood at the side. There was nothing they could do except panic.

“Dr. Johnson, how’s my husband’s condition? Can you treat him?” Lily finally asked after seeing how they had discussed for a long time and yet still unable to come up with anything.

“Mr. Caden’s condition is weird. We’ve gone through all our medical books but couldn’t find any condition matching his symptoms. Our hands are tied.”

Dr. Johnson, the most senior among the doctors, shook his head helplessly. He had never seen such a condition before, so he didn’t know how to treat Caden.

“What? If you can’t treat him, who’d be able to?” Lily was flustered. She had contacted the Stoneray Order, but Dr. Watkins was out of town, and he wouldn’t be back anytime soon. The elders that the Stoneray Order had dispatched didn’t know how to treat Caden either.

“My suggestion would be to seek help in Oakvale. All the elites are gathered there, so they’ll have the best doctors.

“You might be able to find someone who can help,” Dr. Johnson advised.

“But with the current situation, I don’t know if we can get help in time.” Lily frowned. “There’s no need for such hassle. I’ve found us a miracle doctor!”

Just then, Jayden walked into the ward. Behind him was a balding, middle- aged man with a doctor’s coat around him. He even had two assistants behind him, each carrying a big box of medical supplies.

“Allow me to introduce you to Mr. Rudolph Saunders. He’s a doctor from Kimboku. “Back when a horse had kicked Roxanne and nearly lost her life, Mr. Saunders had healed her.

“His medical skills are out of this world!

‘Jayden said in admiration.

“Mr. Saunders? Could this be the well- known miracle doctor from Kimboku?”

“That’s right! When I studied abroad in Kimboku, I had the honor of meeting Mr. Saunders once. He’s truly a miracle doctor!”

“With Mr. Saunders here, there is still hope for Mr. Caden!” A clamor broke out in the ward due to Rudolph’s presence. Many doctors looked at him in awe as though he was their idol.

Though Kimboku was not a large country, its advancement in the medical field was better than Dragonmarsh.

Many Dragonmarshian doctors hoped to go to Kimboku to advance themselves further. That would give them an edge in the medical field, and they’d be in demand once they returned.

“A miracle doctor?” Lily was overjoyed to see him. She quickly greeted him. “Mr. Saunders, please save my husband. No matter how much it takes to treat him, we will pay for it!”

Rudolph gave Lily a good look. His interest was immediately piqued, and a glimpse of lust burned in his eyes. Who knew that Dragonmarshian women were so pretty? She still looked so alluring even when she’d already had a child.

“Mr. Saunders, please check on the patient,” Jayden prompted. ‘Yes, I’ll have a look at him.” Rudolph quickly looked away from Lily and approached Caden’s bed. He began checking on Caden carefully.

A while later, he said, “The patient had gone to extremes in training, and that caused his circulatory system to be all messed up and blocked.

“Regular doctors won’t be able to cure this. It’s a deadly condition. But I’ll be able to handle it easily.”

Everyone was glad to hear that.

“As expected from a miracle doctor like Mr. Saunders! He could diagnose the cause right away! He’s amazing!” Evan praised.

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